Brownies & Babies?

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Danielle's P.O.V.

*The Next Day*

Matthew & I Are Moving Into Our New Apartment Today, But We Haven't Told Braelynn Or Taylor. In All Honesty I've Been Avoiding Them, I Know I'm Not Wanted Her So I'm Just Gonna Stay Out Of Everyone's Way... It’s a Good Thing Our Stuff Is Already Packed, & I Called The Movers This Morning For The Furniture I Bought Yesterday, They Are Dropping It Off & Setting It Up Right Now. I'm Gonna Miss It Here, But We’ll Just Be Upstairs. Matthew & I Are Waiting In Taylor & Braelynn’s Apartment For The Movers To Finish Trying Not To Make It Obvious We Are Leaving. “Hey Love Birds.” Braelynn Says As She Walks Into The Living Room, She Seems Happy Today. I Get Up, “Hey, We Were Just Leaving.” I Say As I Grab Matthews Hand As He Gets Up Too. “But, I Kind Of Wanted To Talk To You.” Braelynn Says While Giving Me A Small Smile. “I-I Um, About What?” I Ask Awkwardly, “About What Happen Yesterday.” She Says, “It’s No Big Deal, Really.” I Say, “Yes It Is.” She Says As I Shake My Head, “Then Why Have You Been Avoiding Me?” She Asked, “I-I Wa-Wasn’t.” I Say, “I've Just Been Busy.” I Say As She Nods. “So, You're Too Busy For Your Bestfriend?” She Asked, “We Have To Tell You Something.” Matthew Says As Braelynn Looks At Me Confused. “What Do You Two Have To Tell Me?” She Asked, “Were Moving Out Today.” Matthew Says As I Look At The Ground Awkwardly. “What? Why?” She Asked, “Because I'm Not Fucking Wanted Here Braelynn.” I Say, “Taylor Didn’t Mean What He Said.” She Says As I Shake My Head, “Yes He Did.” I Say, “The Movers Are Done.” Matthew Says As I Nod. “Bye Bray.” I Say As Matthew & I Grab Our Last Bags In This Apartment Before Heading Upstairs To Our New Apartment. We Walk Up To Our Apartment As Matthew & I Smile. “It’s Our Own Space.” I Say As He Nods, “& You Are So Wanted Here.” Matthew Says As He Drops His Bag. “You Know What We Should Do?” He Asked As I Shake My Head While Setting The Bag I Was Holding Down, “We Should Have Moving In Sex.” He Says As I Laugh While Shaking My Head, “No, We Should Unpack.” I Say As He Shakes His Head, He Kisses My Cheek Before I Walk Away From Him. “Baaabbbbbyyyyyy.” He Says As He Runs After Me. “Noooooo!” I Say As I Run Away But He Grabs Me & Throws Me Over His Shoulder, When There Is A Knock On The Door. “Damn It.” Matthew Says As He Walks Over To The Door With Me Still On His Shoulder, “Hello, Mr. Espinosa,” A Guy Said, “Hello.” Matthew Said, “I Hope You Guys Are Setting In Well,” He Says, “We Are.” Matthew Says, “Oh & This Is Danielle.” Matthew Says As I Wave Still On His Shoulder. “Well, Hello I'm The Manger Of This Building.” He Says, “It’s Nice To Meet You.” I Say As He Nods. “Nice To Meet You Too. Goodbye.” He Says As We Both Wave Goodbye As He Walks Away. Matthew Closes The Door Behind The Guy. “Now Where Were We?” Matthew Asked, “We Were Unpacking.” I Say As He Shakes His Head. “No, We Were Going To Have Moving In Sex.” He Says As I Shake My Head, Then We Hear Another Knock On The Door Causing Me To Laugh As Matthew Groans. Matthew Throws Me Onto The Couch & Kisses Me Before Walking Over To The Door Again. “Braelynn & Taylor.” Matthew Says As He Opens The Door. “Hey, Where Danielle?” Braelynn Asked, “On The Couch.” He Says, “Can We Come In, We Brought Some Food.” Braelynn Asked, As I Shake My Head At Matthew. “Sure,” Matthew Says While Smirking As I Glare At Him, & Braelynn & Taylor Walk Inside. Braelynn Hands Me A Bag Of Food As I Force A Smile. “We Were Gonna Go Buy Food Later,” I Say Awkwardly Before I Walk & Put The Food Up In The Kitchen. “Sorry About Her.” I Hear Matthew Say As I Sigh, “It’s His Fault.” Braelynn Says As I Walk Into The Living Room. “Look, I'm Sorry.” Taylor Says, “You Should Be.” Braelynn Says Coldly As I Shake My Head, “It’s No Big Deal, You Were Just Being Honest.” I Say As I Walk Over To Matthew & Sit On His Lap. “It Is A Big Deal.” Matthew & Braelynn Says As I Shake My Head. “He Was Just Being Honest.” I Say As Matthew Groans & Braelynn Sighs. “You Don't Have To Say Sorry To Me.” I Say To Taylor As He Nods. “But, Honestly When I Said It I Wasn’t Thinking, I Never Wanted To Hurt You Or Anyone Else.” Taylor Says As Matthew & I Nod Understanding As Braelynn Rolls Her Eyes. “Wait, Shouldn’t You Be On Bed Rest?” I Ask As I Turn To Braelynn, “Well, Yeah But I'm Fine.” She Says As I Shake My Head. “She Needs To Be On Bed Rest Or The Babies Will Come Early & That Might Not Be Good For The Babies.” I Say To Taylor While He Nods. “So, I Should Get Her Home.” He Says As Matthew & I Nod. “But, I'm Fine.” She Says, “We’ll Come See You Later,” Matthew Says As Braelynn Groans But Nods Anyways Before Taylor & Braelynn Leave. Matthew Locks The Door Behind Them After He Gets Off The Couch. “You Okay?” He Asked As He Sat Next To Me, “Yeah, Honestly I Am.” I Say As He Smiles. “We Should Make Out.” He Says As Roll My Eyes While Shaking My Head Playfully. “What Is Your Problem Today?” I Ask While Grinning, “It’s Just Hard When You Have A Gorgeous Girlfriend Like I Do, You Just Want Kiss Them All Over.” He Says While Smirking As I Bit My Lip. “Good Answer.” I Say As He Nods Before He Leans In & Kisses Me Softly. “I Love You,” He Whispers Against My Lips As I Smile, “I Love You More.” I Whisper, “You Wish,” He Whispers Before He Kisses Me Again.

*3 Months Later*

Braelynn's P.O.V.

It’s Really Lonely Without My Bestfriend But Taylor & I Are Better & Let Me Just Tell You How Much I Hate Sitting In Bed All Day, But I Do Get Up When No Ones Here Cause No One Can Sit All Day, ITS TERRIBLE. Just Saying. Danielle & I Are Better, Shes Still Avoiding Me Just Not As Much. She Visits A lot When Taylor Is At Work Which Is Nice. We Finished The Babies Rooms, & By We I Mean Danielle, Taylor, Aubrey, Carter, & Matthew. Gotta Love These Amazing People. Taylor Just Left For Work & Now I'm Sitting Alone In Our Boring Room, So I Text Danielle.

Me- You Should Come Over.

Dani- Here I Come! & I'm Bring Brownies!

Me- That's Why I Love You!

Dani- Love You Too.

I Put My Phone Down As I Wait For Danielle, She Makes THE BEST BROWNIES, Yum. That's Another Reason Why I Wish She Was Still Living With Us, But It’s All Good. Bed Rest I'm Happy Its Almost Over, I Only Have 2 More Weeks Till My Babies Come. I Feel Something Wet On The Bed As I Get This Sharp Pain, “Ouuccchh.” I Whisper As I Sit Up & Lean Over, The Sharp Pain Goes Away A Few Minutes Later It Comes Back As Danielle Walks In, “You Okay?” She Asked, “& I'm Just Getting These Weird Pains.” I Say, “Is Your Bed Wet?” She Asked As She Sat Down, “Yeah, But I Don't Know Why.. I Didn’t Pee. Ouuccchh.” I Say As The Pain Comes Again. “Braelynn I Think Your Water Broke.” She Says As I Shake My Head. “It’s Too Early.” I Say, “Honey With Twins They Usually Come Early.” She Says As My Eyes Widen. “So I'm Having A Baby?” I Ask Nervously, “No You're Having Two.” She Says As She Pulls Out Her Phone Calling Someone.

You Can Run But You Cant Hide..Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora