Mexicali Restaurant

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. I Look In My Seat & It’s My Purse But I Didn’t Grab My Purse. I Open It & There’s A Note On A Little Box. The Note Says ‘Open Me’ I Smile & Open It. It’s A…………

It’s Another Note That Says ‘You'll Get What Was Supposed To Be In Here When You Find Us! Love Matthew.’ I Groan Causing Braelynn To Look At Me Confused. I Just Shake My Head As She Turns Back To The Road After Nodding. She Keeps Driving Until She Pulls Into The Hotel Parking Lot. She Parks & We Both Get Out. She Locks The Doors As We Walk Into The Entrance. We Head To Matthews Hotel Room To See All Our Stuff & Their Stuff Gone. We Look At Eachother Confused... Then Look For Notes. We Walk Into Matthews Room To See A Note With Both Of Our Names On It. Braelynn Picks It Up & Starts To Read. “Dear Braelynn & Danielle. You Just Missed Us! You'll Find Us Soon Though. Don’t Give Up. Your Probably Wondering Where All Our Stuff Is? You'll Find Out Soon. Love Taylor, & Matthew.” I Look At Her Confused. “Where Do We Go?” I Ask. She Shrugs. We Both Sit On The Bed. I Look Around As Does Braelynn. My Eyes Slowly Start To Fall & Soon I'm Sleeping. I Feel Someone Lifting Me Up. I Yawn & See Matthew Carrying Me. He's Still The Hottest Guy Ever. He Taking Me Somewhere While He's Talking To Someone. I'm Trying To Make Out What He's Saying By Reading His Lips Because Something Is Covering My Ears. I Can’t Make Out What He's Saying. I Just Close Eyes Cause I Feel Him Moving Me. He Opens A Door. He Sets Me Down & Kisses My Forehead. He Puts Something On My Hand. I Wait A Few Minutes Before Opening My Eyes. I Look Around To See He's Gone. & I Realize Were In A Different Place. It’s Not A Hotel It Kind Looks Like An Apartment. I Sit Up Leaning On My Elbows. To Get A Better Look. I'm On A Bed In A Room By Myself. I Look Down At My Hand To See Another Note. It Says. ‘God You’re the Most Beautiful Girl I've Ever Seen. Even When You’re Sleeping. You Can Look Around But After You Get Done Follow The Directions On Your Phone. Braelynn's In The Other Room! & Aubrey Should Be There Soon. Don’t Leave Till She Gets There! Love You Babe!’ I Yawn & Smile At The Note. I Get Up & Put The Note Into My Pocket Where The Others Were. I Get Up All The Way & Walk To The Door As I Hear Footsteps. I Crack The Door To See Braelynn Pacing. I Smile While Shaking My Head As I Walk Out Of The Door. “Braelynn” I Say Causing Her To Look My Way. She Smiles. “Why Do We Have To Wait For Aubrey?” She Asked. I Shrug. “Maybe Shes In On It.” I Say As She Shrugs. “Why Do We Have To Do All This” She Asks As She Groans. I Shrug Again. “It’s Fun Though!” I Say As She Nods Agreeing. I Smile. We Hear A Doorbell. Braelynn Runs Towards The Door & Smiles As She Opens It Showing The Lovely Aubrey. “Haaiiii!” Aubrey Says As Braelynn & I Smile At Her. “Why Are We Doing A Scavenger Hunt??” Braelynn Asked Her. “I Can’t Tell You!” She Says While Smirking. Braelynn Groans. “Why Not?” Braelynn Asked. Aubrey Sighs. “Cause They Said I Couldn’t If I Wanted To Help! Any More Questions?” She Asked. “Why Are We Here?” I Ask. Aubrey Smiles. “You Live Here!” She Says Happily As We Look At Her Confused. “What Are You Talking About?” Braelynn Asked. “Well You Guys Live In Instead Of The Hotel.” Aubrey Says Explaining As We Both Nod. Aubrey Pulls Two Little Boxes Out Of Her Purse While Smiling At Us. She Also Hands Us Two Keys Each. We Thank Her As She Smiles. She Leaves & We Do The Same After Locking The Door. We Walk To Matthews Car After Walking Out Of The Very Nice Building. I Drive This Time. I Pull Out Of The Drive Way As Braelynn Tells Me Where To Go. “Turn Left” She Says As I Turn Left. I Driver Straight For A While Until She Says “Turn Right Then Keep Going Straight Until You Get To Ruskin Street.” She Says As I Nod. I Turn Right & Go Straight Until I Reach Ruskin Street. I Look Over To Braelynn As She Says “Drive Straight Until You Reach A Place Called ‘Mexicali Restaurants’” She Says As I Nod. I Drive Straight For A While Until I Reach Mexicali Restaurant. I Pull Up Near The Entrance To See Taylor Holding Roses & Smiling. Braelynn Smiles Happily & Hopes Out Of The Car Running Into Taylors Arms Causing Him To Drop The Flowers So He Can Catch Her. She Picks Them Up & Smiles Happily At Him. Taylor Tells Something To Braelynn She Nods As She Walks Back Over To Me Handing Me A Note. ‘Hello Beautiful. Your Dropping Off Braelynn & Heading Back To The Apartment. Can’t Wait To See Ya!’ It Says As I Nod. They Wave Goodbye As I Head Back To The Apartment I Wonder What's Gonna Happen.

A/N What Do Yall Thinks Gonna Happen?????????????

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