Chapter IX |A Few Secrets|

Start from the beginning

Kyoka and Kaminari came closer and Bakugo lifted Kirishima's hair again.

"He has black roots!"

Kaminari was surprised but Kyoka was dying from the overwhelming cuteness. She picked up another chunk of Kirishima's hair and took a closer look.

"Dude... why didn't you tell me? This is so cool! You- wait. So your actual hair color is black and not red? So you had colored hair all along? Wow, even I couldn't tell that you were coloring it!" Kyoka basically screamed into her friends face.

"Uhh... yeah. Could you both let go of my hair? It kinda hurts." Kirishima said to his friends who let go of his hair instantly.

"It's a little weird for me, to be honest. During my childhood I had black hair and they always hanged down. I guess I started to style them recently. Maybe a few years ago?" he explained.

"Well, I know I have never seen you with hair down or black hair. You must have started styling them before you started going to the U.A." Kyoka said and looked into Kiri's eyes.

"Right. Hey, nerds, where are Round face and Glasses guy?" Bakugo asked Kyoka and Kaminari.

The girl took out her phone again and looked at the time. "They should be here any minute. I don't think they'd miss a chance to see Izuku."

After a few minutes Iida and Uraraka appeared around the corner. They greeted their friends and shared the same reaction once they saw Kirishima.

"Have you remembered anything yet?" Uraraka asked him before Iida had the chance.

"No, unfortunately." he replied with a little guilt and sadness in his tone.

"Alright, well we should get going! I don't think Midoriya will be expecting visitors, let alone if we arrive there late." Iida said and started leading the group to the bus stop.

The students waited for the bus for a little while. Kaminari took this opportunity to scold the rest of them about being late.

The bus came and Kyoka sat next to Kirishima. He still seemed a little confused and nervous. Kyoka hit on his shoulder and the boy turned his head towards her.

"Somethin' on your mind?" she asked her troubled classmate.

"It's nothing serious. Uhm.. sorry for being forgetful, but what was the name of the guy we're visiting?"

"Midoriya Izuku. I thought we would all visit him since he hasn't been in school for a while."

"Right! Midoriya! A-and why hasn't he been in school for so long? Is he sick or something? Is he a part of our group too?"

"N-no he's just a classmate. Um.. I wouldn't say he's sick though his reason for staying home is quite serious. Y-you see his... mom, she... died a few weeks ago. He stayed home so long he missed all the finals. Everyone in class is kinda worried about him and I though we would go see him."

"O-oh. I... I didn't know. It's much more serious for him than it is for me. Were... were me and Midoriya friends?"

"I think you were! You were friends with almost everyone in class, just like him."

Their conversation was interrupted by the bus stopping and Iida's voice telling them to get out.

The group continued their walk to Izuku's apartment complex. As they were walking, Uraraka slowed down to talk to Bakugo a little. She took a deep breath and started.

"Bakugo? I'm sorry for trying to harm you a few weeks ago back in school. I was just really angry at you for treating Deku like your worst enemy." she said in a trembling voice.

Bakugo just looked at her for a second and sighed. "I don't need your apology, Round face." he replied with an irritated tone.

"You're still an ungrateful brat even after all this has happened, huh? You know that you should apologize to someone yourself, don't you?"

"I'm not planning on handing out apologies, let alone to you."

"Guess again."

"Why should I apologize to him?"

"For treating him like complete trash your whole life maybe? Deku's your childhood friend. I don't even know why he calls you a friend after you have treated him like that ever since you met him."

Bakugo turned his head to the side. "It's not like that." he murmured quietly.

"Hey, I'm trying to talk to you. Don't go turning heads on me!" Uraraka said with a little disgust in her tone.

Her classmate stayed quiet.

"All I'm asking of you is to apologize to him once we get there. Can you do that or should someone help you?" she teased Bakugo who just looked at her with an irritated glare.

"I'm-" Bakugo was cut off by Iida who loudly let the group know they had arrived to their friends house.

"Well you better say something." Uraraka quickly said to Bakugo and ran up to the front to be the first to see Izuku.

Bakugo stopped for a second, then followed the rest of the students into the building.

Oh man I love dialogues way too much. Sorry if you're not a fan.

Scratch that shit about writers block, my mind is blowing up with ideas rn.

Also I'm stuck in a location with rarely any internet. I don't know if I will be able to post that much until I'm back home.

Oof, bare with me! AlSo thank you all for the support! To my friends who read this and often try to convince me that this isn't utter trash, I love you all!

Also, further on, don't vote for the authors notes, I will delete them anyways.

Art credit: wanliangsora

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