#19// New At This part 3// Peter Parker

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Y/N = Your Name
L/N = Last Name
F/N = Friends Name
2653 words

Y/N = Your NameL/N = Last Name F/N = Friends Name                                                                 2653 words                __________________

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Y/N's pov
*1 year later*

     "Ugh when do I get to go and fight with you guys." I groaned leaning back on a chair.

  "Well...you have to prove yourself to Mr. Stark." Peter said bouncing a ball off a wall.

  "Was saving 400 people on a train not proving myself to him?"

  "He'll come around." Peter laughed

   "Y/N your gonna have to train extra hard because your gonna be joining the crew this week." Mr. Stark said walking into his office as I jumped out of his chair and Peter held his ball.

  "Wait, really!?" I asked holding in my excitement.

  "Did I stutter?"

  "No sir...um yes I'll work double time." I smiled

   "Good...now leave please." He said opening his computer turning his focus off of us.

  I looked up at Peter and smiled as we left the room.

  "Oh my god I'm gonna be working with the crew!" I jumped and cheered hugging Peter.

   I slowly pulled away realizing what I had just done.

  I looked up into his eyes and smiled taking my arms off of him.

  "I'm sorry I didn't mean to um."

  "Hah no your good, it's amazing your working with the crew!!" He smiled

"I know!!! I um I'm  gonna go finish my workouts and then get home...I'm not ready for the test in physics tomorrow, I haven't studied at all." I slumped walking to the elevator.

"I could come over and help you, I've taken tests in his class for 2 years I've got some tricks." He smiled.

"That would be amazing." I took a breath of relief.

"I'm glad you finally came to my school, now I have another friend other than Ned." He laughed.

"True...I mean it was kinda awkward the first few days but I think I like it there."

The elevator door opened and we walked out to the training rooms.

"Well I'll see you later tonight Peter." I smiled.

We did our small handshake and I walked off to my training cubical.

*At home*

  I sat on my bed biting down hard on my highlighter as I went through my notes.

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