Chapter 13

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I installed myself back in the library with a pile of books and settled down ready for an afternoon of discovery. I wasn't leaving here until I knew the prophecy and more about red wolves. This could be a long afternoon.

Rea's POV

"Pet, I really think you should stop now. You've been at it solidly for 5 hours. Take a break?" Suggested Jake. "It's so frustrating! Why isn't there any information any - oh! Hang on..." I quickly flipped the page back and found what I was looking for. "Jake! Listen! Here's what it says about the prophecy..."

Centuries ago, when the last white wolf died out, the moon goddess vowed to send another in the future known as the chosen one. The chosen one will have had to overcome great difficulties and tests to survive but will win through it all. It will be her job to defeat the darkness waiting to engulf the world. The moon goddess bestowed this chosen one with powers that once harnessed could be used for good or bad. They are powers so powerful but dangerous if used improperly.

"That's all it says. Hmmm, oh wait! Here's something about the red wolves."

Red wolves. They are larger than average wolves and have red fur and red eyes. Their alpha is double the size of an omega and possess darkness and evil. Some even say the alpha of the red wolves is the darkness waiting to engulf the world the prophecy mentions the chosen one will have to fight. Red wolves are wolves that have no soul. They have intentionally and knowingly killed their mate, members of their mate's family and or of their own family using their own hands. This can be any method raging from strangling to shooting but it is murder committed them self purposely. Red wolves are dangerous creatures that threaten the existence of the peaceful harmony of the supernaturals and humans. However, they are incredibly hard to kill. They have amazing healing skills and the gift of healing 3x quicker than a normal werewolf.

"Again, that's all it says... I think we need to talk to Abe for more answers." Jake looked just a confused as I felt. "Lets contact him then." I shook my head. I didn't know how to. Perhaps I'll try call him mentally and see what happens? " "Abe? Abe?" "Rea! Good to see you again!" I jumped and whirled round to see Abe standing there. My mouth dropped open, as did Jake's. "What? How? But!" I stuttered as he chuckled. "Alpha Jake. I'm Abe and I guess you've been helping your mate with researching the project. He nodded and I smiled at him. "But there's nothing anywhere about anything!" I complained. "I can explain everything if you want?" Before I could answer, Jake spoke up. "Please do. I'll arrange I mini meeting in my office with Rea and I, of course, my beta Luke and third in command Sam. We won't tell anyone else, yet."

"Hello Sam and Luke. I am Abe. I have a lot to tell you but first, a little about myself. I am one of the three ancient werewolves most commonly known as the big three. We are brothers and I have not seen the other two in decades. We possess purity, power and authority from the moon goddess herself as she created us long before any other werewolves roamed the earth. But, the main reason I'm here is not for me but for Rea, or should I say the chosen one? Do you all know the prophecy and understand it?" We all shook our heads and he tried to hide his surprise. "Well, let me start from the beginning..."


Sorry this chapter is so short :( it's just a filler. The next one will be up ASAP! (Tomorrow hopefully)!
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