Chapter 9

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We're coming for you Rea.

Rea's POV

I awoke in a dark room. I looked around but couldn't see anything clearly. The memories came rushing back, giving me a headache. I hope Jake is ok. I think I already love him. I tried to get up, the key word being tried. My ankle wouldn't move so I looked down to see it was chained to the bed. I gasped. The door swung open and in strode John. I shook as he approached me. "Where are we?" I asked boldly but instantly regretted it when he slapped me across the face. "No talking you pathetic woman. We're with the alpha of rouges. We are now rouges, darling." He answered me. "Rouges!?" I gasped. My best friend had been killed in a rouge attack whilst protecting a pup and I have despised rouges ever since. This is not good.

*1 month later*

I woke up feeling sick and ran got he bathroom. I only just reached the toilet in time before I vomited. What is wrong with me? I'm not one to be physically sick and us werewolves, we don't get ill. I sunk onto the floor when it hit me. The answer fell on me like a ton of bricks. My period. I've missed it twice. I couldn't be... No. But then, he never uses protection. I can't be though. I can't bring a child into this! He/she deserves better. I have to confirm it first though so I make a huge effort and steady my heartbeat. I stay silent and let my wolf's hearing take over as her senses are a lot better than mine. Then I hear it. The faint but steady beat of another heart. The heartbeat of another baby, growing inside me. What am I going to do?

Jake's POV

It's been one month and I'm ready to kill anything that moves in my sight. That lousy man I called father has taken her and I haven't seen her since. When we set off a month ago, her scent weakened and we lost the trail. After 2 weeks of roaming, me and my fighters were forced to come back. I still had to think about the needs of my pack, no matter how badly I hurt. The whole pack sympathised and longed for their Luna.

Rea's POV

"You're what?" Asked John, his voice calm and empty of emotion. It scared me, even more so than when he shouts. "I-I'm p-p-pregnant." I stuttered out. His eyes narrowed at me.

*2 weeks later*

Blood. Blood everywhere. And pain. Intense pain in my stomach... My baby...!?

Jake's POV

*2 weeks later*

It's been two months. We found out where she is being held but we have only just come up with a plan. A wave of 40 of my most skilled fighters will attack first, taking out as many rouges as possible, capturing a few alive as well as my father. They will be held prisoner for questioning and I need to decide what to do with John. I will follow with a second wave of 20 men to find Rea and rescue her.

The 40 fighters who have surrounded the area are well hidden and are waiting for my command. "Go!" I order in our mind link and they burst out of the trees, taking the rouges by surprise. My men easily take control of the rouges outside before entering. I follow after, surrounded by the second wave of 20 men. We enter and I immediately start to sniff out my mate. Soon, I catch her scent and enter a large, impressive room. She's not in here but I see another door and open it. My heart breaks when I see a figure curled up in the corner, shaking. "Rea... It's me."

Rea's POV

"Rea... It's me." I know that voice. I know this smell. Jake. I look up and see him standing there. Am I dreaming? No. I'm not. He's really here! He has found me and is going to save me.

I try to get up but cannot find the strength. Seeing me struggling, he rushes over to me and picks me up bridal style. I can tell he is trying not to wince at my appearance and weight, or rather lack of it, for my sake. "Jake... You came! I-I love-" was all I managed to get out before I fainted in the arms of my beloved, feeling truly safe for the first time since my mother's death.


Again, I'm so sorry for changing the POV's so much but I really needed to. They allowed me to used cliffhangers. Sorry, :/ but I hope you enjoyed it!

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