Chapter 28

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"Sorry. I'll never do anything like that again." I narrowed my eyes at him. "No you won't! That's an order from your mate... And Luna." He laughed and I did as well.

Rea's POV

*3 years later*

"Alfie! Come back here please. Be a good boy for mummy!" I called as my 2 year old son ran riot in the house. I was trying to dress him for tonight's pack ball but he kept running away. It doesn't help that he's got alpha blood in him making him so much more advanced than most 2 year olds. Ugh. Don't get me wrong! It's great he's so advanced but he makes it very difficult for me sometimes. And yup! He's definitely a daddy's boy. I slowly get up from the floor wincing as my swollen feet were forced to take all my weight once again. I rubbed my large stomach and smiled. We were expecting another baby in a couple of weeks. "I hope your not so troublesome." I muttered to my stomach still rubbing it.

"Jake!" I called-well, screamed. "Get down here and control your impossible son!" I ordered. He appeared at the doorway, smirking. "He's your son as much as mine." He chuckled. "Ugh! Well-h-he gets it from you!" He laughed and went off to find Alfie and returned with a perfectly respectable little boy. "Alfie Alfie Alfie. Why couldn't you be a good little boy for mummy?" I sighed, rubbing my temples in exhaustion and frustration. I felt a headache coming on... Possibly a migraine even. Jake looked at me, concerned. "You been troubling mummy have you?" He asked Turing back to Alfie. His eyes widened. "No!" He protested, claiming fake innocence. Not even having the energy to tell him off for lying, I turned and headed to the stairs. "I'm going for a lie down honey. See you in an hour or so." I called.

But, as soon as I reached the bottom of the stairs, I cried out in pain. I grabbed the hand rail and gritted my teeth in pain as Jake came rushing over with Alfie in tow. Mia rushed down the stairs and looked down to the floor, her eyes widening. Confused, I did the same and saw water... Water!? My waters had broken! Mia grabbed Alfie and ordered Jake to call the pack doctor.

Jake rushed me to the pack hospital and I was currently screaming and sweating. I was fully dilated and was currently undergoing the painful process of pushing out my baby. I gripped Jake's hand hoping I wasn't hurting him but to be honest, I couldn't help it. The pain was too much. I screamed and gave one last, almighty push before hearing a cry.

"It's a boy!" Announced the doctor and I smiled. Another boy. She wrapped him up in a blanket and placed him in my arms. He was so beautiful. He looked just like Alfie did when he was a baby apart from he had my eyes, not his dad's-like Alfie did. "Colton." I whispered weakly and Jake nodded. "A lovely name." I smiled at him and looked back down. "Welcome to the world Col-" my sentence was cut off by pain exploding through me. "Aaaaaarrrrgh!" I cried. Jake whipped Colton out of my arms and handed him to a nurse before walking back over to me and stroking my hair. "Hush. What's wrong?" He murmured, worry emanating off him. He looked at the doctor. "What wrong with her?" He asked. "It-it would seem she-she's ummm-goingintolabour." She stammered. "What!?" I tried to scream out but it came out more like a strangely yelp as another wave of pain coursed through me. "Sssh. It's okay Hunnie. I'll deal with it." Jake whispered. "What!?" He cried out exactly like I had, just in a stronger, former voice. I had to laugh. I'd just said that. "Alpha. Luna. Your having twins." Jake looked just as shocked as me and looked... Overjoyed. I gasped and didn't have time to take it in properly before another contraction hit me. "I need you to push now." Ordered the nurse. So I did. But I was weak and tired. It was exhausting. Eventually, I pushed my second baby out and fell back onto the bed, gasping and panting. The world was spinning and everything was blurry.

"It's a girl!" Was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.


Again, I know it's stupidly short but hey! You're getting your fair share of updates today! Your lucky. I decided to end it in the next chapter so... One more chapter left! 😢

Thank you so much for all your reads, votes and support! I love you all.

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