Chapter 12

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Quickly, he read through it and looked at me. "I think you're not telling me something." I flinched and sighed. "I'm not telling you a couple of things. I'll start with my family..."

Rea's POV

"My mum died giving birth to me and father blamed me. He used to beat me all the time and always told me it was my fault. He said I should have died, not her. I started to believe him..." Jake shook his head. "Of course it wasn't you fault. You should know that. Don't ever think of blaming yourself. Ever." I smiled at him softly. "Anyway, on my 16th birthday, I decided to go home through the woods. I didn't know what but something was pulling me towards it. I remember smiling when I saw the time was 4:38pm. That was the time I was born and then I was suddenly in unimaginable pain I'd never experienced before, despite my continuous beatings. I shifted there and then..." I saw Jake gasp. "At 16!? I only got my wolf at 16 because I'm the direct son of an alpha and Luna. No offence but an omega doesn't get their wolf until 19 or older!" "I know. That's not all of it though... Anyway, I instinctively knew I couldn't let father find out so I learnt how to mask my scent. I went to the school library and learnt how to mask my scent in 2 hours-" Jake interrupted me again with yet another gasp. "You learnt to mask your scent in 2 hours at just 16!" He exclaimed. "I know for a fact that most omegas can't make their scent and that 85% of alphas never learn to mask their scent! And the 15% that do can take years to learn how to properly, or even their whole life!" I frowned and bit my lip at the new information. "I didn't know that... But, there's something else... My clothes don't rip when I shift. They stay intact so I can shift into my wolf fully clothed and shift back into human form fully clothed in the same clothes, all intact." Jakes eyebrows furrowed as he took down the long list of amazing things I have achieved-and he hasn't even heard the biggest part yet. "Jake." I called out softly, bringing him out of his thoughts. "Yes? Sorry." I smiled at him. "It's ok... Ummm, you've never seen my wolf before have you?" Jake shook his head so I got off the bed. "Why?" He asked. "Ummm... You'll see..." Then, I shifted, my clothes staying perfectly intact. "Y-you're white!!! White wolves don't, I mean shouldn't, exist today! They were supposed to have been wiped out centuries ago!" I shifted back and approached him. "I know... There is someone who could explain this all to us though. On the full moon, I was running through the forest-" "Why were you out alone during full moon?" He interrupted and I winced. I'd hoped he'd forgotten that I wasn't supposed to be out. Clearly not. "I-I couldn't help it but ummm, anyway, I met this man. I thought he was human to start with because no werewolf can resist the pull of the full moon and are forced to shift. Then, I smelt him and he was definitely a werewolf. He must be very powerful or something? He told me his name was Abe and to research the prophecy. I didn't even know a prophecy existed! But he was very insistent I research it. Then, then he disappeared in a cloud of smoke saying he'd see me again soon! And then, just after he left, a massive wolf appeared out of nowhere... But not any old wolf. This wolf had red eyes. Red eyes! And his fur was a reddish brown. He was about to attack when you howled and he was scared off."

"Jake, look." We were sitting in the library researching anything we could find out about the prophecy, red wolves and Abe. I have to admit I was very surprised when he believed me and agreed to help me. I still am. "This book says Abe is one of the three ancient werewolves, known as the Ancient Three or The Big Three. They were, and then it stops?" I look at the book confused, almost hoping the rest of the text would magically appear. No such luck. I felt Rosie laughing at me and playfully huffed at her. "I can't find anything about Abe either. Let's have a lunch break then carry on this afternoon." Jake suggested. I nodded, not really hungry but I knew he'd be a pain if I didn't eat so I just agreed. The sooner I eat, the sooner I can get back to my research.

I sat down as Jake started to make us some sandwiches. "Rea! Oh my god! It's been so long! Why haven't you come to see me?!" I turned around to see Layla playfully glaring at me with 5 others following her suit. Since I'd returned from the rouges just under 4 months ago, I'd made 6 really good friends: Layla, her mate Daniel, Luke, the pack's beta, Sam, the pack's third in command, Ali and Nate. Now, when she said it had been ages, she was exaggerating somewhat massively when she claimed it had been so long. It had only been 2 weeks but I had needed to do lots of research. I raised an eyebrow at her. "Layla... You lie. It's only been 2 weeks!" I exclaimed exasperated already. She pouted at me "But that is a very long time!" She whined. I just rolled my eyes and turned back around. "Hey Rea. How's life been?" I glanced to my right to see Nate taking a seat next to me. "Fine thanks. Yours?" "Not too bad. I've been practicing my jokes-hey! Would you like to hear some?" I jumped at his enthusiasms and internally groaned but he was so excited I couldn't refuse, bless him. "Sure..." I said, smiling.

"Who can shave 25 times a day? ... A barber!"

He laughed at his own joke before carrying on.

"What did the green grape say to the purple grape?

Breathe, idiot! BREATHE!"

"A couple's wedding was so beautiful, even the cake was in tiers."

"Did you hear about the new restaurant on the moon? The food is great, but there's just no atmosphere."

"Nate-" I started but he just cut me off.

"If you're struggling to think of what to get someone for Christmas. Get them a fridge and watch their face light up when they open it."

"I dreamed about drowning in an ocean made out of orange soda last night. It took me a while to work out it was just a Fanta sea. Get it! Fanta the drink? Fantasy/fanta sea!"

"That's-" I started but he cut me off again.

"Without geometry life is pointless."

"I am terrified of elevators. I'm going to start taking steps to avoid them."

"Doctor, I've broken my arm in several places" Doctor "Well don't go to those places."

"I fear for the calendar, it's days are numbered."

"Nate! That joke is-"

"Brilliant! I know! Ooh! Here's another one! Slept like a log last night ... woke up in the fireplace."

I could feel Jake smirking and I turned to see him laughing at me. I glared at him before turning back to Nate who was still telling me all these new jokes, oblivious to my reluctance.

"What did the fish say when it swam into a wall? Damn!"

"A police officer caught two kids playing with a firework and a car battery. He charged one and let the other one off."

"Velcro... What a rip-off."

I groaned.

"A man walks into a bar and orders helicopter flavor chips. The barman replies "sorry mate we only do plain"

"Why do scuba divers fall backwards into the water? Because if they fell forwards they'd still be in the boat."

"If you don't save me, I won't talk to you for a month!" I threatened Jake in our mind link, wiping the smirk off his face. "Nate! I'm really sorry but we have to go." He announced hastily. Nate scrunched up his nose. "But I'm only just getting to the good ones!" He complained. "Sorry mate." Jake shrugged apologetically. "Perhaps another time?" I suggested unable to stand his crestfallen face. His face lit up immediately. "Yeah! Sure! See you soon! I'll have some even better ones by then!" "Ugh! What have I done?" I whined to Rosie who just laughed. "He's like a little kid!" I carried on, only to receive more chuckles from her. No help whatsoever.

I installed myself back in the library with a pile of books and settled down ready for an afternoon of discovery. I wasn't leaving here until I knew the prophecy and more about red wolves. This could be a long afternoon.


Sorry about the jokes. I know some/most of them were really awful but it was necessary for Nate's character. He's going to be quite funny and I hope y'all love him. I'm aiming for him to be a readers favourite :)

Broken, Found & SavedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя