Chapter 3

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In the meanwhile, time to get to know my wolf.

Rea's POV

"Hello Rea. I'm Rosie." My wolf suddenly said into my head. "Hello Rosie." I replied. I already knew we were going to get along so well. "Glad you think so!" Chuckled Rosie. Oops. I forgot she can read my mind!

Soon, we arrived at school and I shifted into human form, my clothes still intact. It wasn't painful shifting now I'd done it for the first time. I crept into the library and scanned through the books looking for any information about masking my scent.

*2 hours later*

I'm on my way home, finally! I now know how to mask my scent but 'father' is going to kill me. By the time I'm walking along the road that turns into mine, I start shaking. I know he will be furious and although I'd masked my scent, I would have to be extra careful as I'd definitely grown stronger. As I expected, he was there at the door, scanning the street. The minute he saw me, his eyes turned black with rage as his wolf struggled for control. Rosie whimpered and I did my best to reassure her. Mark looked like he was about to beat me right there and then when he suddenly remembered we were outside still and he had a reputation to keep up. As soon as we were in the house, he locked the door and I barely had time to shrug my bag off my shoulder when he flew at me. He grabbed my hair and smashed my against the wall. Then, he proceeded to beat me hissing and snarling the whole time. "Why are you so late?" He growled. "I-I-I" I stammered. What could I say? My whole body was screaming in pain although I could feel some of my lesser injures healing already. Werewolf healing! I could also feel Rosie trying to heal my surely broken ribs but there wasn't enough time between each attack from him. "Well!? Spit it out girl." He growled again, picking me up by the neck and pushing me against the wall. "I-I had to do some re-revision for homework in the school li-library." I spluttered, gasping for air. He dropped me suddenly and I shrank to the floor trying to catch my breath. Suddenly, he was at me again. Then, as I was on the verge of consciousness, he dragged me upstairs by my hair and threw me into my room. Then he smashed my head into my wall and I tasted blood. The world went black.

I had to have the next day, Wednesday, off school. Although my werewolf healing qualities were kicking in, I couldn't go to school so I went to the forest. Mark doesn't care what I do if it doesn't directly concern him so I left for the forest. I entered the darkest, secretest part of the forest and shifted. I knew I had to let Rosie take over completely for me to heal more quickly but I couldn't let her out with him around. I decided to spend the day asleep and let my body heal as much as I could.

*1 week later*

Mark hasn't touched me physically for a week and it's scaring me. He's plotting something. He wouldn't just leave me alone after all these years of torture... Would he?

*2 days later*

Saturday. I'm making breakfast downstairs when he stumbles in. "Ah. Just who I'm looking for. Pack your bags your leaving." My jaw dropped. He was letting me go! I was getting out of this hellhole! I ran to hug him but he just pushed me off him causing me to stumble slightly but I managed to catch myself before I fell. "Thank you Rosie." Mark just smirked at me and I starts to deal uneasy, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. "You're not free babe. Did you really think I was letting you go?" Every ounce of hope disappeared and I stiffened. "But-but, the beatings. They stopped..." I trailed off to when his smirk didn't falter. If anything, it got bigger, brighter and wider. "Ah. You didn't think I was being nice? No. I have sold you and I can't sell you looking like an aubergine now, can I?" He cackled in my face. This could not be happening. Please please please. No no no no. I was in such shock, I didn't hear the door open. "What!?" I screeched at 'father'. How dare he. I went to fly at him but a hand grabbed my arm. It was holding me tightly in my upper arm and I knew there would be bruises. I froze and slowly turned around, only to be met with the face of a man in his mid to late 30's. His face was blank of emotion and his features were hard. He had a confident, powerful aura about him and he'd be quite handsome if he wasn't gripping my arm so tightly. "Get off me!" I hissed. "Rea! Meet John." 'Father' broke in. I froze again and bowed my head. "Alpha. I'm so sorry-" I began when Mark interrupted me again. "I wasn't finished you little brat. Meet Alpha John, your new master."


The image is of Gary Oldman cast as Alpha John.

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