Chapter 24

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"Why did you call me?" I licked my lips nervously. Was he even going to believe me?

Rea's POV

"Well... Ummm. Ok. Mia was kidnapped by the Alpha's John and Thomas at the full moon party so I followed her scent without waiting for backup." I paused and waited for the growl I was expecting. And a growl did indeed fill the momentary silence. Jake and his wolf were still cross I had out myself into such danger. "Anyway," I continued. "I fought a almost escape but was injected with something that put me to sleep. When I woke, I was tied up with silver bonds and handcuffed with Silver. I saw Mia tied next to me to a chair, the same but I didn't recognise her. At first. Then this voice told me to see who it was. I thought it was Rosie but it turned out to be my-" I stopped and blinked away the tears and Jake wrapped a comforting arm around me protectively. "It was my mother. She told me that she loved and missed me as knew about my role and the prophecy. Then I saw who this little girl really was. Mia. All I remember was feeling angry. No, furious. I felt power surge through me and I broke out of my bonds. When I looks down I saw I had shifted into a much larger animal than a wolf. I broke Mia and I free. I was... I was a tiger. A Bengal Tiger."

And sat, silent for a moment. "Show me." I faltered. "I-I don't know how." He raised an eyebrow at me. "How did you shift in the cell?" I thought about it. Indeed. How did I? "I don't know. I was full of such sting emotions: hate for the Alphas Thomas and John, determination to get Mia and myself out, alive and happiness/sadness about hearing from my mother." Abe nodded in consideration. "Try now. Just picture yourself a Bengal tiger and try to shift the same way you'd shift into your wolf." I heard Rosie huff at me. "Humph. Am I not, like, amazing enough...? Oh I know! I'm too amazing for you!" I rolled my eyes at her playfully and pushed her to the back of my mind. Bengal Tiger. Bengal Tiger. Bengal Tiger. I thought to myself, to no avail. It's not working. No-ones going to ever believe me. It not work- suddenly, I felt my bones and joint crack and pop. After a monte or so, I stood tall. Fully shifted. I turned to the mirror to see a beautiful Bengal Tiger standing there. I gasped. It had worked!? Abe looked at me, stunned for a mine the fire he regained composure. He gained his composure so quickly I began to doubt he'd ever been shocked. "Shift back." He ordered. I nodded and pictured myself human again. I closed my eyes and opened them, happy to see myself standing in human form. Wit appears, you have the gift to shift into different animals. I believe you are capable of shifting into more creatures than just a Bengal Tiger and Rosie. Allow me to research it and I shall let you know tomorrow. As soon as I can." With that, he left in a cloud of smoke, as always leaving everyone in the room in an awkward silence. What was going to happen now?

*The next day*

"Rea. It seems that you can transform into many animals. Predominately, you'll shift into your wolf Rosie but you can also shift into a Bengal Tiger, a Cheetah and a Grizzly Bear..." Abe had returned today having done a lot if research following the discovery of my new ability/gift. "To shift, you do exactly the same as you would to shift into a wolf but you picture a different animal instead. Got it?" I nodded. "Ok. Have a go." I bit my lip and looked down. Could I really do this? I decided to try a Grizzly Bear first. After around a minutes focused concentration, I felt my bones an joins bend and pop. I opened my mouth and a growl escaped my mouth. I looked in the mirror and jumped slightly. There was a Grizzly Bear, a very large one, standing proud in Jake's office. "Well done. Cheetah?" I nodded my massive bear head and shifted into a tall, sleek elegant Cheetah. "Bravo!" Exclaimed Abe. "That could come very handy in battle. Think of how fast a Cheetah is! Try a Bengal Tiger again." He commented as I strutted up and down the office. I didn't have much room as all these animals are so much larger than a wolf is. I shifted into a beautiful Bengal Tiger, like the one I'd unintentionally shifted into when I escaped from captivity. "Amazing! You truly do have some amazing gifts that will be needed in the upcoming war." My mood sobered and I shifted back into my human form as I was remembered the reason for learning all this magic. War. The battle to keep harmony between the supernaturals and non supernaturals and for our existence. For us to survive.

"Jake." Abe's voice brought me out f my somber thoughts as Jake entered the office with Luke and Sam on his heels. "I need to tell you and Rea that this war is going to be soon. Very soon. Sources tell me as little as a week, as much as a month. You must prepare. You must tighten security and boarder patrols. You must make sure you warriors are in too form to fight. You just inform the packs. Inspire them. Impassion them. You must be ready to fight. I believe that our allies: the angels, fairies and witches will be arriving tomorrow. You must introduce then to the pack and make sure they get along. Tensions do not need to be made higher by distrust amongst our fighters. The angels and witches will have powers as well, of course, to help but Kieran has several witches. He also has vampires who, as you already know, are very are creatures to kill. It is with great regret that I tell you the final battle will be between Rea and Kieran. Alone. This war is big. It will go down in history as the greatest war ever. Prepare yourself for battle. War is almost upon us."


Again, sorry this chapter is so short. I felt it was needed as a lead up to the battle. It would be impossible for me to give you an update today if I put the battle in this chapter as well so I have separated it. But hey! You get an update today! Whoop! And the battle scene: next chapter! Next update: tomorrow (Hopefully!) Yay!

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