"What the hell. What are you a goddess or something," commented Misty.

"What do mean," Serena asked confused.

"She means how are you not hung over like the rest of us," groaned Shauna.

Serena looked at the girls, Iris and Rosa were sitting beside each other with their heads on the table. Dawn was leaning against Gary as he stroked her head and she sipped water. May looked as if she was going to throw up. Shauna was also sipping water as Tierno got her some plain bread, which he thought would be easier for her to keep down. Korrina was being waited on by Clement who was feeding her little bites of fruit and sips of water. Miette looked the best after Serena, as she just looked like she was only nursing a headache.

"Excuse me," said Paul as he passed Ash and made his way to Miette.

Once Paul got to Miette, he placed two tall glasses of water and a bottle of painkillers in front of her.

"Take two pills and drink all the water," said Paul, who then proceeded to sit down beside her and eat his breakfast.

Miette smiled as she looked at Paul out of the corner of her eye. It might not have been a confession of love, but at least it showed he cared.

Norman sat down next to May with a bowl of oatmeal. "Mmm, doesn't this look good," he said as he lifted his spoon and the runny oatmeal started to plop back into the bowl.

"Dad, stop," May complained.

"What? Aren't you hungry? Here have some," Norman said as he scooped more up and brought it May's mouth, but instead slid it off the spoon and it landed on the table.

May looked at it for a second, her eyes became wide as she covered her mouth, and she quickly bolted to the nearest bathroom.

"I never thought I would see the day she would run away from food," Max commented, resulting in Norman chuckling and high fiving Max.

"You two are horrible. May is suffering and you two are making it worse," scolded Caroline.

"Dear, she drank too much, she's not sick. This is a lesson on moderation," Norman replied.

Just then May's phone, which she left on the table, chirped as she received a text message, causing Caroline to pick it up.

"Who keeps texting her, this things been going off all morning," Carolina said as she looked at the phone. "Girls, who's Jean Luc and why does he want to see her again?"

The other girls looked away to avoid eye contact. Caroline put the phone in her purse to get answers from May later.

"Here you two go, an old family cure for hangovers," said Cilan as he put two styrofoam cups in front of Iris and Rosa.

They finally lifted their heads and looked at the cups.

"Smoothies," Iris asked confused.

"No. The smoothies are so you can take the cure," said Cilan as he pulled two small bags and poured the contents into the smoothies then stirred them.

Iris and Rosa looked at each other nervously, then picked up the smoothies, downed them, then laid their heads back down on the table.

Cilan shook his head as he looked at the two. "Poor thing, hung over and exhausted."

"Yes it was a good time last night," Miette commented.

"I'm sure it was, but I was referring to when you all got back. I doubt they got much sleep, due to all the moaning last night. It woke me up too, I couldn't figure out where it was coming from, but somebody was having a very good time and being very vocal about it," Cilan said as he looked suspiciously at the other young couples.

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