Chapter 2: Sorrow of Loneliness

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I look down at my now empty hand. The gold dice which hung from my father's ship is all but a sharp memory now. I remember as a child being fascinated with the story of those dice. Looking at my father in admiration as he told me the tale--I scoff at my thoughts.

Truly, I am alone. Rey, she completely shut me out--I can't feel her presence. Realizing, that moment when she closed the door, the only thing I truly needed was her. Achieving my grandfather's vision seems trivial now. I feel empty. Even now, having everything I ever wanted.

As I stand I am greeted by two First Order captains.

"Supreme Leader. We have searched the remainder of the base with droid and soldier forces; no inhabitants are remaining," The trooper stated sternly looking straight ahead.

"Return the battalions to the ship!" I demand walking away from them.

Exiting the Rebel base and seeing the spot where Luke and I had our final battle. I can feel the anger welling up inside as the memory plays out. I continue to my Upsilon-Class Command Shuttle that landed in front of the AT-M6 walker. The door is open and I walk up the ramp towards my seat. The pilot activates the ship, and we begin our ascent back to The Supremacy.

Walking into the shuttle, I throw a nearby object against the wall. I collapse in the command chair and release a sigh; putting my hands over my face and rubbing them through my hair in shame. The shuttle pilots do not make eye contact. I can't stop picturing Rey's face when I asked her to join me.

"She seemed inclined to take my hand but my uncle got to her mind first. If she only saw my vision of the future. That could have changed her convictions," I think to myself.

"I know she would have joined me! It's his fault! And I didn't even get to kill him myself! I hate him!" I scream throwing a small object into the wall, shattering it.

Standing up, I start pacing the shuttle; drowning in my thoughts of anger and resentment.

"I am so alone now. I completed my grandfather's vision. I was willing to sacrifice anything to achieve that. Giving up my childhood to training, my light, my mother, my...father, Rey...," My face softened at the thought of her.

"Did I give up my one chance at finding true happiness? What does it matter now? She denied me and chose them over me! If she doesn't join me I will destroy her and the rest of that pathetic Resistance!" I scream in my mind.

The anger is overwhelming as I think about her denying me. Her face when she tried grabbing my grandfather's saber from me. She looked at me like I was a rabid animal that needed to be put down. The pain I saw in her face hurts worse than anything Snoke had ever done to me.

I saw our future so close in my mind I could almost touch it.

I'm standing on the shore looking out over the water. Turning around and Rey is walking towards me. A smile grows on her face as her long brown hair blows in the breeze. In her arms lay a small child, our child...

The very thought brings such peace over my mind. I felt such comfort and happiness when that image appeared. Thinking of her calms me.

"Was that all an illusion Snoke planted in my mind? Or was it real? Will she join me in the end?" I thought, my anger beginning to rise.

"I will never know if it was created by Snoke but I do know that I need to find her at any cost. She is mine and will be mine. Together we will rule the new order. That vision will come true!" I exclaim in my head. 

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