Saving Travis From Katlyn

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" Watch out!" Someone called out.

I looked and saw a volleyball coming towards Travis's head. I ran in front of him and hit the volleyball up.

" Hit it over here!"

I looked and saw it was Katlyn who screamed. When the ball came down I hit it to her. She caught it and walked over to us.

" Good hit Y/n!"

" Thanks. Travis are you okay?"

I looked at him. He just stared at me. Then he hugged me.

" Thank you! You saved my life!"

" Not a problem. "

New path unlocked: Travis Valkrum

" Hey is everything okay over here?" Garroth said walking over.

I looked at him and nodded. He looked at Travis hugging me and I could tell that he looked a little uncomfortable. Travis pulled away and said he was going to go before he got hit again. Aph went with him. I stayed with Garroth and Katlyn.

" Y/n are you okay? That was a pretty fastball. " Garroth asked with concern lining his face.

" Ya, I'm fine. My hands hurt a little bit though. "

" Well, you're lucky most people can't hit my ball without crying. " Katlyn said.

" Well, I'm tougher than most people then. "

" Exactly. That's why you need to join the volleyball team!" Katlyn shouted.

" What! "

Katlyn ran off leaving me alone with Garroth. He put his head in his hand and whispered ' oh no '. Then Katlyn ran back with a clipboard. She put it in my hands and handed me a pen.

" Please Y/n. You were able to hit my ball and serve it back to me with good hits. Please! "

" I-I don't know Katlyn. "

" Plea-"

" Katlyn calm down. She's new remember. She's a freshman. " Garroth interjected.

" I know! That's why she should!"

" Tell you what Katlyn. I'll think about it. "

" Alright tell me your answer before Friday. Those are the tryouts. "

" Okay thank you. "

She nodded her head and walked back to her booth. Garroth stayed with me. He took on of my hands and examined the part where it made the impact with the ball. The spot was red.

" Are you sure you're okay?"

" Ya, I'm fine Garroth. It just stings a little. Nothing more. "

" If you say so. I agree with Katlyn though. You hit that ball and protected your other friend. "

" Ya. What's special about that?"

" No one has ever hit Katlyn's Volleyball throws. They're too scared to. "

" Well, too bad for them. "

He chuckled and waved. He walked back to the group of guys he was talking with. I in the meantime walked around. I took a look at all of the clubs. None of them really suited me or they just weren't that interesting. I went and took a look at the volleyball club and I didn't see Katlyn. I quickly ran and signed my name. Then I left the gym and wandered around the school. Trying to figure out where I need to go for my classes.

I started looking for my English class when I bumped into someone. I fell on my butt and so did the person I bumped into. I stood up and picked my backpack back up. I put it back on my shoulders and looked at who I bumped into. He had black hair and black eyes. He was wearing one of the guy uniforms. I reached my hand out to him.

" I'm sorry. I didn't see you. I didn't mean to bump into you. "

" It's fine. "

He took my hand and I pulled him up.

" Are you okay?"

" Ya, I'm fine thanks. "

Then he walked away. I just shrugged my shoulders and started looking for my English class. Before I could find it the bell rang. I walked to my math class. When I got there I saw a seat opened in the middle row. I went and sat in it setting my backpack down.

' I really need to find my locker. '

I looked at the sheet and saw the number.

216 on the second floor.

' Great. '

I heard someone sit on the desk beside me. I took a glance and saw a girl with pink hair. She had a tail and ears that were pink as well. A me'fwa. She had pink hair and yellow eyes. She looked kawaii. The bell rang again and the teacher came in. He ran in like a maniac.

" Students! Welcome you your first day in high school. Now I don't want to do math so talk!"

" But this is math class. " A student said.

" Shut up Jimmy!"

" My names not Jimmy. "

" I don't care Todd. "

I turned towards the Me'fwa and smiled.

" Hi I'm Y/n. "

" Hi Y/n~Sama. My name is Kawaii~Chan. "

She's so kawaii that it's in her name!!!!!

" Nice to meet you Kawaii~Chan. "

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