You nodded at that, complete agreement. For reasons you weren't sure of, you wanted to look your best tonight.

Marie and Akira came rushing back in, holding a roll of glitter tape they claimed to have 'burrowed' for somewhere. And wrapped it around your crutches. You realised, it looked a little... excessive, but the two seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Akio and Max met you outside and you made your way to the palace where the rest of the guilds were. Akio in a blue suit that matched his eyes, and Max in a grey one. The thought of being at a palace made you nervous, that's where royalty lived, the Princess...


That was a word you did not what to think about.

Instead of pondering on it too much, you focused on your team around you, who all seemed overly excited about the evening.

The inside of the palace was beautiful, before today you'd only imagine seeing walls and floors this white in some mental asylum you'd been sent to after that breakdown you had in the grand magic games. Except, you didn't imagine your room in said asylum so large and full of food and guests, with balconies there was no escape from and hard shiny tiles beneath your feet. It actually made you feel relatively small.

From the entrance you could see pretty much every guild in the games, except for two, all conversing and mixing with each other like there had never been a rivalry between them and as if there had never been an attack by dragons. In fact, you seemed to be one of the only people still carrying injuries from it, although no one else had to have support to walk.

For a while you stuck close to Max and Marie. Marie ended up trying to converse with Lyon Bastia (who actually seemed to be on the rebound), and spent a while there acting coy and flustered every time her crush spoke a word to her. You tailed Max rather than stick around there, however he got into a conversation with the other guild masters, who marvelled at how young he was. Realising this conversation didn't apply to you, you made your way over to Riko, Akio and Akira; who were standing near one of the food tables near the wall, Akira sat perched on the only chair admiring the expensive looking food she was about to dig into.

"Akira, stand up so (y/n) can sit down." This was the first time you had heard Akio say your name for a while, he hadn't spoken directly to you since the games. You continued to wonder why he was so quiet.

"I'm fine, honest." You didn't want to trouble Akira, and for now, you were okay just leaning on your glittery crutches. The siblings acknowledged this and Akira finally started eating the food, claiming that it was delicious (which it probably was) and that if nobody stopped her she was going to eat all of it available here, even if it meant turning invisible and sneaking into the kitchens. However her attention didn't last long, she noticed the only two people in the building close to her age and hopped out her seat.

"Big brother! I wanna go talk to those two!" She pointed in the direction of Wendy Marvell and Chelia(?), before rushing off. Akio gave an unenthused sigh before chasing after her. You made a note to ask him if he was alright when you saw him next. That left only you and Riko now, who was strangely quiet again, she was hardly paying you any attention and kept constantly glancing to the other side of the room, where Marie spoke to (perhaps even attempted to flirt with) Lyon Bastia.

"You're jealous." You hopped over to the seat Akira was previously in and leant your sparkly crutches against the wall before sitting down. "It's so obvious."

It was a nice change, to be the one teasing Riko.

"Am not- I mean, what are you talking about- I mean, Lyon Bastia is a valid crush- I mean, I wasn't looking at Marie- wait, I said nothing. Nothing. I didn't even hear you." It was also strange to see Riko lose her cool so suddenly, she was probably the most well-composed person in the guild, perhaps even the most out of all the people you had ever met. So this was, quite amusing.

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