Chapter *insert next number here because I have no idea*

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I didn’t sleep well, I tossed and turned and only got sleep in 20 minute intervals, Cole slept like a baby and woke up every few hours to check on me, I pretended I was asleep while he fixed the covers over me and kissed my forehead before going back to sleep.

 I woke up and finally couldn’t go back to sleep so I got up and went to my room finding Alex on my bed just lying there his hands behind his head looking at the ceiling.

“Hey” I whispered climbing on my bed sitting cross-legged next to him.

“Hey” he said giving me a small smile.

“Oh my…” I said taking hold of his chin turning his head.

“What happened?” I asked ready to kick someone’s ass for hurting him even though he could handle himself perfectly fine. His eyes and cheek was bruised and his lip had a small cut in it.

“Don’t worry about it” he told me.

“What happened, Alex I will kick their ass, I’m serious” I told him. I was very protective of people I cared for. People who made fun of Eden learned real quick that I would bust a cap in their ass, and she stopped coming home in tears and I only had to whoop ass occasionally.

“Your mate” he told me.

“Thayne did this to you?” I asked shocked.

“Why?” I demanded.

“Because I smelled like you” he told me, anger flared through me. What he beat people up because I was friends with him. He’s going to get a talking to from me.

“Take me to him” I demanded.

“Come on McKenzie don’t make this bigger than it has to be” he told me.

“I’m going to talk to him” I told him.

“He thinks I like you” he told me.

“Ugh, seriously? He beat you up because he’s jealous?” I groaned. Gr.

“He thinks there’s some sort of competition between us” he stated.

“he’s an idiot” I muttered throwing myself down next to him.

And Thayne took that time to show up, he looked between me and Alex.

“Thayne!” I said sitting back up, he growled. Like full fledge growled probably waking my whole family up.

“What are you doing here?” he demanded glaring at Alex his eyes flicking colors.

“I was checking on her” Alex told him.

“on her bed? With her?” he asked.

“She wasn’t here, she was sleeping with her brother” he said defensively.

“Why are you here?” Alex asked him.

“I came to see my mate, but obviously she’s busy” he said venomously, I grabbed his arm quickly squeezing my eyes shut feeling my stomach drop.

“What are you doing here aren't you busy?” he asked bitterly.

“You can’t beat the shit out of him because you get jealous! Hurting him was completely uncalled for!” I said my voice raising with hysteria.

“Why do you care?” he asked me raising his voice back.

“Because I care about him!” I told him.

“You care about him do you?” he asked me darkly.

“Not like I care about you, it’s different Thayne” I explained.

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