Chapter 3

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 I turned around facing the voice; facing him. I knew it was him by the shivers that went down my spine and goose bumps that erupted over my skin when he spoke. My wolf was practically dancing and my throat tightened in excitement.

I gathered my courage and swallowed the lump in my throat, and then at the last second shut my mouth, I gave Eden a small push and Reese grabbed her hand and dragged her away.

McKenzie I don’t want to go’ Eden voiced in my head sounding like a small scared child.

just hurry up and call mom” I told her. Eden’s heart was beating about as fast as mine was, I focused on their footsteps until I couldn’t hear them anymore. I finally took my eyes off the ground and looked at him, my breath catching in my throat.

He was honestly sexy as hell, I wasn’t even going to lie.

McKenzie where the hell are you?” my mother demanded.

er… I'm sort of in the woods” I replied, he was just intently looking at me. Not saying anything, with absolutely no emotion on his features just…looking. I don’t know I couldn’t tell what he was thinking, an extremely small part of me was worried I wasn’t good enough. But the bigger part of my was chanting the words ‘you don’t want or need him’.

And I had to agree so I held my head high and glared back.

“What do you want?” I asked him and amusement washed over his features.

“I’ll give you three guesses” he replied sarcastically. I would have laughed and I bit my lip to keep from smiling. His eyes narrowed looking at my lips, and turned a dark shade of navy blue.

“See something you like?” I asked him. Hey I can be an arrogant, cocky, asshole too; so suck it. I crossed my arms over my chest, and his eyes snapped up to my own.

“As a matter of fact I do” he told me, he took a step forward and I resisted the urge to take a step back. He took a couple more slowly almost as if he was testing his boundaries. I was stubborn, compliments to my mother. I wasn’t going to back down no matter how bad every nerve in my body was screaming at me to run away.

I was half animal my primal urge was to run from danger, and well… he’s about as dangerous as it gets.

He was so close now I could feel his body heat, but I couldn’t smell him. Why doesn’t he have scent? Usually demons smelled like burnt wood or death but he had absolutely no scent except the amazing scent of his cologne which made my knees weak.

I had to look up at him, I mean he was bigger than I originally imagined, he was actually bigger than my dad; which was surprising because he was the only one. I didn't realize I was holding my breath until my lungs started burning.

I let out a breath hearing my heartbeat beating madly in my ears, I was afraid he would hear it.

He reached up and light brushed the backs of his fingers across my cheekbone. Pleasurable tingles and sparks erupted from the spot he touched and sent waves of pure ecstasy through my body heating me to the core.

Chills went down my back and I resisted the urge to let my eyes flutter closed and lean into his touch and moan. I clenched my hands into small fists to keep them in place, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to kiss him or deck him. I glared at him as he slowly ran his fingers down my jaw.

It felt like pure bliss, his touch was feather light and gentle even though his hand was about the size of a baseball mitt. I looked away turning my head, he reached under my chin and turned my head back, his gorgeous story grey eyes connected with my bright green ones.

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