Chapter 1

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So if you've read my other book 'The Wild One'- then you might see some of the refrences to it. If you haven't you should definatly check into because it's fucking amazing. This is Kayden and Jase's 7th kid- a lot of you wanted her and Eliza (again you know who that is if you read it). I'm doing her too, but I've only just started. I'm putting hers up shortly I'll put the title in the notes of one of the chapters- so ENJOY!!


“Guy Shut up I have an announcement!” Logan said standing up waiting for us to stop throwing food and joking around. The little bell on the door jingled and I swear the temperature dropped thirty degrees and the lights flickered.

“Guess what?” he said excitedly a bright white smile plastered on his face.

“You finally hit puberty?” I suggested hearing some laughter, he rolled his eyes, and I just took a swig of my corona.

“I asked Molly to marry me” I choked on my beer and then swallowed.

“what?” I demanded.

“I asked her to marry me” he said slowly, he cleared his throat “And she said yes” he added.

I said one word “Run” I told him, hearing the guys burst into laughter.

“What why? I thought you would be excited I was marrying your sister” he asked.

“You’re making the biggest mistake of your life, fucking run like you’re on fire” I told him seriously.

“How is marriage a mistake?” he demanded.

“Being committed to one person for the rest of your life is horrifying” I told him.

“preach” Cedric said pointing at me and taking a swig of beer.

“she’s right man” Marcos chimed in, I took another sip.

“But guys” he paused, “you should see her smile” he said, everyone started making noise.

“Shit” I said laughing.

“I'm out he wants to talk about a smile” Gran said standing with his hands in surrender I started laughing.

“me too” I said standing up, along with some of the other guys.

“Guys I'm serious you are coming to my wedding” he said.

“McKenzie, Molly wants you to be the maid of honor” he told me, I snorted.

“I love you man, but I have better things to do” I told him shrugging my letterman on.

“There’s going to be a bar” he said.

“So” I cleared my throat trying not to grin “When is it?” I asked him hearing some laughter.

“Told you it would work” Isaac said, and I laughed.

“I have to go home or my dad’s going to kill me” I told him drinking the last of my beer and reaching in my pocket for my car keys.

“Yeah we should go” Jayden, one of them many older brothers I had said standing up.

“I’ll race you guys” Cole my only younger brother said.

“You’re so on” I said going to the door.

“I’m game” Jayden said.

“Me too” Isaac sounded.

look over there’ my wolf whispered.

where? Wait why?’ I asked back.

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