"He could've been your little brother!"

"He was."

I gasp, tripping.

A loud whooshing sound flows from the beginning of the bridge. Blue light pulsing in an electromagnetic wave speeds forward, sent forth from the shining hands of a shadow. Even though I am far away, I can still see his large, depraved smile.

The bridge trembles, then quakes with momentum. I can't find balance enough to stand. My ears prickle from the force of the electro wave and my limbs wax numb, slipping into fear driven paralysis.

The girl runs, her dark hair making a flag at her back. Seeing she won't make it out in time, she leaps into the water. I scream. The wave envelopes me in its cloud.

Automatically there is a flash of neon blue. Following it is the sensation of someone digging into my chest, trying to rip out the heart. Another is the feeling of strangulation by a metal hand. The force of the wave sends me up in the air. I'm stung by thousands of bee sensations. The light soon dissipates and I see the clouds and the rain.

The sky comes so close I could spit and hit it.

The wave quickly dies. Gravity sucks me down a vacuum and I smack, back first, down onto the bridge. Not too far away, the girl pulls herself out of the water. Her leg bleeds, but she can still run.

I can't move.

As she comes closer I scream.

"Help me! They're coming!"

She stops, trembling all the while like dysfunctional machinery.

"This is all I can do." She pushes me towards the water. The Grim Reaper laughs eagerly.

"It'll be quicker. It won't be as painful here. I'm not strong enough to carry you across."

I fight her tooth and nail, until I remember, don't I want to die?

"Thank you." I relent. She pushes me off the side and water floods my ears and nose. In the murkiness below scales lurk. It's only a matter of waiting.




More Scales.

I'm surrounded. Stiletto teeth glimmer. The teeth are the length of my calves.

It'll be quick. They'll go in for the kill. It won't take long she said. I wouldn't make it anyway.

Adonis fizzles to life before me. Jewel stands at his side, her face pulled into a bright smile.

"We need you."

"We love you."

"We forgive you."

I'm taken aback by the sight, accidentally sucking in a long drag of liquid. A coughing fit sets in, bringing in more deadly waters.

Adonis, Jewel? They could forgive me?

Could I ever forgive myself?

Am I worth it?

"Life!" Is all my mind screams in response. "Life!"

Trembling fingers swing up high, grappling for the bridge's wooden planks. Relief floods in when splinters dig into my hand. My hold weakens, and I don't have the strength to pull my head above water. Im trying to muster the power when a wave slams up against me. I stare into the watery blackness only to see scales charging forward.

There's no time to fight. Large nostrils quickly slam into my chest, suctioning against my flesh. Wicked teeth shred the skin on my stomach and the tunic, drowning the water with blood, and afterwards return for a better grip. During his return, I kick off the sea dragon's muzzle, using the momentum to propel myself backwards.

I fly until my back smacks into solid rock.

Is the wall the thin embankment crossing the lake, next to the bridge?

I claw for handholds as the sea beast closes in. Fifteen feet. Digging my nails into a crevice, I haul myself above the water's surface. Ten feet. I climb higher, half of me still underwater.

I no longer know where my enemy is.

Bodies run by on the embankment, taking no note of the struggle. They are Raiders and Fortunates.

Every man for himself.

This is the Purification, after all.

Water unexpectedly shoots upwards, peeling back to unveil bulging red eyes, black, shiny scales, and teeth dirtied with bits of flesh. The monster delivers a chilling sonic scream. My legs are sticky with blood flowing from my newest wound.

No one will help me. All is lost.

A body blocks the dim sunlight from my eyes.

It's the shadows!

I look up, expecting to behold forms more horrifying than anything I could ever imagine. Instead, I stare into clear eyes. Empty eyes.

"Give me your hand."

The Butcher.


"Give me your hand!"

The one who specializes in murders stares down from higher up on the embankment, extending a calloused, battle worn hand. It appears firm, steady. Despite the fiend preparing to swallow me whole, it remains calm, albeit urgent.

"Take it! In a few seconds you'll be dead."

He wants to save me? He who tried to kill me twice? He who murders innocents, who draws victim's names in their own blood? Who slaughtered one of his own?

He who threw me to a potential death?

It's stupid to trust him. It's like taking the hand of a shadow, like offering myself to the sea beast behind. Maybe his plan is to finally kill me, to wipe me out completely from the 90 days.

I take his hand.

What else can I do?

As the fiend plows after my quavering legs, Butcher swiftly drags me off the embankment's side and onto firm ground. I plant on the ground at his feet, staring up at the towering murderer. The sea beast recedes but the shadows still charge.

My breaths are heavy. I can only whisper.

"Thank you. I-."

I'm abruptly hefted up, slammed over a solid shoulder like a sack of grain. I bite my lip, silencing the screams wanting to burst forth as my rib shifts to some unnatural place. Tears crisscross my face and plant on the grass.

And then Butcher runs.

Author's Note:

I updated early!! (I have midterms coming up but I didn't want to miss an update).

Are we seriously almost to 7,000 reads? What the heck people!!? You guys are awesome! To all the new readers, I just want to say hey! Nice to meet you! Thanks for the support!

Do you guys want me to give ya'll a name or something? If so...comment yes or thumbs up! I'll start thinking of a few.

Again, thanks so much for the support! I love all you guys! (*Mwah*)


Sonny Mae.