"Why did you tell Dad that I almost died?" I asked, looking at her. She act like she didn't know what I was talking about.

"What are you talking about? I didn't tell Daddy that you almost got killed by a shoot out" She chuckled.

"I didn't say by a shoot out" I caught her. She groaned, looking down, cursing at herself.

I shake my head. "Thanks Gina now he's going to be on me. I just hope you didn't tell him about Danielle" I said. She shook her head no. "No I didn't tell him about that"

"Good" I said. "Okay. Can you go?" She said, looking at me in a Annoyed way.

I sigh, walking away but before she could even close the door I bust through the door, seeing clothes on the floor.

I knew my sister to well. I knew Carter was in here.

"Where is the bastard?" I asked, looking at her. "What are you talking about Luke get out!" She yelled, trying to get me out of her room but I refused.

"I'm talking about Carter. Where the hell is he?!" I yelled. She try to push me out but I restrained from her.

I went straight for closet and even opened the big space closet. I walked in the big space closet first, seeing he wasn't in here. I turned back around, seeing him run out of the first closet.

"Carter Run!!" Gina yelled, while I ran after him. I almost had his collar shirt when my wound started hurting. I screamed out in pain, clutching onto it. When I regain my strength, I saw him run out the front door.

I followed behind him but he was already gone. He was walking backwards laughing. He threw his middle finger up, still walking backwards. The gates opened and he got in his car, leaving.

I groaned out in frustration, cursing in Italian. "Ho intenzione di uccidere quel figlio di puttana. Uffa !!! Il suo culo è mio quando torna. quel bastardo. Piccola merda" (I'm going to kill that son of a bitch. Ugh !!! His ass is mine when he returns. that bastard. Little shit)

I slammed my door, locking it with the passcode and walking away in my office.


There was a knock on my door and I told them to come in. It was Archer and he didn't seem happy, but then I wouldn't know if he was because I don't have emotions.

They were useless to me.

"What wrong?" I asked, he sighed throwing some files on my desk. I looked up at him, "What the hell are these?" I asked, opening one. It was Sanchez getting head from some women.

"It's Sanchez" He said and I looked back at him. "I don't want to see this Bullshit" I closed it back.

"Lukas, if we Cut his resources off, there could be a chance to kill his fat ass and end his gang" I thought about it.

But then I thought about the problem.

"If we cut his resources off, he'll find a way to jeopardize us because then he'll know it's us" Archer cursed, under his breath.

"But I think they were involved in the bombing of your car" He gave me the other folder. I opened the file seeing the Vice gang.

I thought we've had our truce with this gang.

"I thought we had truce with this fucking gang?" I said, looking at Archer. "Me too."

I sighed, "Please call him"

He left out, when there was another knock at my door. "Come in" it opened to a limping Danielle, with some of my sister clothes on. She had on some Pajama shorts, and a T-shirt on.

I rolled my eyes, "What do you want?" I asked.  "Look I came to apologize"

"I hate apologies" I said, giving her my same look. As always.

"Well your still going to get one. I'm sorry for yelling at you" She said, coming close to my desk. "Okay" I shrugged, looking at these pictures of the files. "So you aren't going to apologize to me back?" She said.

"No. I'm not. I just said i hate apologies"

She mumbled something under her breath but I didn't hear what she said. I just brushed it off, still looking at these photos.

"That's Selene" She said. I arched my eyebrow looking at her. "What?"

"That's Selene" She pointed at the picture of Sanchez. "That was Rose's friend" She said, "That bitch can suffer for all I care"

I thought I was cold.

My door opened to Archer. "Luke, Willis said-" I cut him off by pointing at Danielle. "Danielle can you leave us?" I asked her.

"Sure" She rolled her eyes, limping out of my office. "What were you saying?" I asked, looking at Archer.

"Willis said that he will call truths. If we go to his ball"

"Why can't we just call truce with a treaty?" I asked. "because he wants something"

"And that is?" I asked, looking at him.

"Danielle. He wants Danielle"

A/N:Hey guys!!! I'm really glad you guys are commenting and voting. I love you guys and please keep up the comments and votes and just enjoy my books.

Love you guys!!❤️❤️❤️

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