The Fallen Angel is a Vampire

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( Y/n's POV)

The world around me was pure black... The water was clear, but to only reveal nothing. No reflection, no ripples in the water. Suddenly I found myself floating. Floating in the water I guess... I didn't feel like I was floating.

Echoes of voices surrounded me, repeating lines that seemed rehursed.
My mind was so confused, questions rang around in my head.

'Where am I?... Am I even alive?... Where is Levi and Jason?' I asked myself.

"You must be confused, on what to be confused on. Therefore; you are confused on confusion." A childish voice rang in my head.

I was suddenly standing up facing a small child with long (H/c) hair wearing a maids dressing attire.

She looked as if she hadn't seen life, hadn't seen hope, never had faith. She had a gash at the left side of her forehead and she was bleeding from her stomache area.

Soon a little boy popped up next to the little girl. His hair matted with blood and his eyes...He had no eyes...

The girl screamed bloody murder as the boy fell to the floor lifeless. My ears were ringing as the girl fell to her knees a sobbing mess.

I tried to reach towards the little girl but to only pass thru and her as she disappeared. She appeared a bit older as men threw glasses and plates at her while screaming.

She just stood lifelessly, and as if she had no soul. A boy looked around the same age as the girl, looked as if he was about to murder the men, he soon leaped into action swiftly slicing their necks and stomaches. Leaving them in a pool of their own blood on the floor.

The girl joined the boy fighting side by side, killing multiple men one by one. Leaving a few piles of bodies on the ground.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST FORGET YOUR PAST LIFE!!?" The little girl's voice had became demonic.


The girl was showed growing up with the boy, and a small girl following them... They looked like...Me...

"YOU'RE A MONSTER!!! HEHEHEHE! They will leave you soon... And you will have nobody to hold close. Nobody to love. And nobody will love you. What will you do when you kill the ones you love?...Kill more?...Hide?... Become a moster that people will soon grow to hunt and kill? Will you stand up to them and die in the process? "

"You're wrong..." I cried...
My heart hurt my head swarmed with emotions and ideas that shouldn't come to mind...

I covered my ears to block out their hateful words, their brainwashing like voice. Making my mind go fuzzy.

Trying and trying to make myself remember that they love me, and need me... Trying to think straight, telling myself that Jason needs me. That Levi has loved me since childhood. Loved me for my kindness and the fact that I could stand up for myself and the people around me...

But... What if their lying...

(Levi's POV)

We walked to Shitty-Glasses lab when Hanji suddenly put her heel into the floor boards, trying to stop me from dragging her more. "The fuck shitty-"
Hanji had pulled Y/n out of my grip before running towards her lab.

"She's getting worse!" Hanji's voice became serious.

(Hanji's POV)

"At this rate she will become a demon... Her eyes are glowing red, as she is crying while her eyes are half-lidded." I said.

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