Chapter 12

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What's wrong with him!?

3rd Person POV

Everyone is running everywhere and bumping into each other causing more chaos, Jason has become lost in the crowd of people and cadets. 'How did I end up here? I was just with (Y/n) and Levi..' Jason thought to himself. (Y/n) searching frantically for Jason within the crowd, within these few minutes (Y/n) started remembering how her and Jason met. Becoming petrified of never finding him within the crowd but to only find him at the worst moment, within a titan's grasp.

Levi is slowly getting other cadets ready for the defenses and ordering where cadets should go, Erwin is already at the wall with Hanji and Mike. "There are no titan's so why were we alerted?" Hanji asked while shouting. "I don't know, but maybe they vanished like the others. Mike round up some cadets and start informing the Military Police, while me and Hanji start informing HQ and packing." Erwin ordered. Mike silently nodded and zipped off and headed towards HQ, leaving Hanji and Erwin alone.

"How do you think that they are able to vanish?" Erwin asked Hanji. Hanji was unusually quiet, Erwin looked over towards Hanji to only see her frightened. This caused the commander himself to become worried although he didn't show it. 

"I am afraid I do not know Erwin, but the only theory is, is that they might possibly be titan shifters as well. But something is telling me, it's much more than that. This is something that can't be explained with the information we have currently. I feel as if humanity is in more danger than it ever has before..." Hanji said lowering her voice more and more as she continued.

Erwin didn't want to admit it but he felt as if everything was of no point now, from her explanation and her being a scientist is pretty easy to believe her, but that didn't stop Erwin from wanting to continue humanities fight for survival.

All of a sudden Hanji started laughing maniacally, Erwin casually looks over to his lover thinking of this as normal but to others was completely creepy.

"But let's continue our job so we can figure out these secrets, EXPERIMENTS HERE COMES MAMA!!!" Hanji shouted raising her hands in the air jumping up and down like a child. 

Erwin smiles at Hanji and quickly kisses her forehead before walking off to another part of the wall they stood upon. Hanji walks over to her squad and gives them a serious look, her squad looks among each other thinking that one of them did something wrong. Hanji smiles and shouts to her squad. "Let's do our best today and possibly catch some titans!" 

They all look to each other happily and shout some 'yeah's' and 'yahoo's' and zipped down towards HQ to ready their other equipment. 

People were still being rushed into the inner walls the trainees started escorting the rest out, but there was one thing, Jason was no where to be seen. (Y/n) had talked to some trainees and told them to look for a small boy who is wondering on his own who has short brown hair. Ask him his name and if it was Jason to either zip him up to the wall or to take him to the scouts HQ.

 They started looking for the boy along with (Y/n), each passing second started to worry her more and more. Causing her mind to go blank, 'what am I doing again?' She asked herself worriedly. She started to wonder aimlessly and started running down streets. 'Wait! How could I have forgotten that I am to look for Jason!? I should talk to Hanji about it later for the bad memory thing.' (Y/n) scolded herself.

(Y/n) suddenly heard some loud stomps nearby and some high pitched screaming, (Y/n)'s eyes widened she recognized that scream. "JASON!!" (Y/n) screamed as she zipped threw the air. How did she suddenly remember how to use it didn't matter to her right now, all she needed was to get to Jason and save him.

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