Chapter 13

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The kidnapping of Eren Yeager

3rd Person POV

(Y/n) and Levi sat beside Jason for a few hours, glancing out the window every half hour. Levi had finished a few cups of tea while (Y/n) had finished a few (p/d)'s.

(Y/n) stood up and walked towards the tray across the room filled with multiple bandages. Grabbing a few before walking towards a sleeping Jason.

"He talks about you a lot." She said.

"Likes to think of you as a role modle, with such respect."

"He talks about you too a lot, wanting you to become his mother." Levi replied.

(Y/n) smiled. "I kinda have adopted him now, since he wanted me to... I was scared. Scared that this would happen to me again. To lose someone close to me and who I care for... But I am less scared because he has everyone here that could take care of him. Including you. He is going to have a weird, and hard life... But it will have such memories... That he will become someone very strong." She said.

"I know, that this is kinda sudden to mention... But he wants you to be his father..."

Levi's eyes widened as his face became pale, this took them both by surprise. The fact that this effected him this much and showing such emotion, and he couldn't believe what he just heard.

(Y/n) became worried, she wanted the best for Jason. And she has to take care of him, she didn't know the first thing about parenting and didn't want to be alone. She knew about the motherly thing about worrying twenty-four seven. But she questioned her own actions.

If she was even a good role modle for Jason, or if she would be a bad influence or mother.

"I know about the whole, no love on the battlefield thing and we have to be professional... But I don't care about professionalism. I care about family and friends, and what I can do before they are gone... Before I'm gone." She said.

"Don't talk like that." Levi said.

"I somehow know you are going to survive this whole titan invasion. I know that you are going to live your whole life. Because you are one of the most strongest people I've ever met... And I won't let you die in this world. Because I will protect you... I promise." He said.

(Y/n) felt arms wrap around her waist as he hugged her placing his chin on her shoulder. "And because I love you both."

She smiled as she turned around and hugged him back.

"Besides... You seem like a pretty cool dad to me."

They soon broke off the hug and decided to go on a small walk, and enjoy the peace while it lasted.

(Hanji's POV)

After returning to the wall we decided to arrange a few groups to check the wall for any wholes. They would set off at sunset, and run by a few small towns to check on the way.

I looked over the plan multiple times not wanting to make a mistake.

"From what you've told me, this seems to also have another possible side to it." Erwin sighed.

"(Y/n)'s theories seem to be quite interesting and some how they seem to point in a more clear path. Maybe while her and Levi were kidnapped that one time, other than the possible experimental torture they went through, they could have subconsciously listened into one of the conversations.
They might not remember what they could have gone through. But I could make something that might trigger the memories stored within." I said.

Remember?(AOT Levi X reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang