Chapter 5

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(Your POV)

"So about this mission?" I asked.

"We are going beyond the walls for capturing another titan for Hanji and gathering information for a new area." Said Eren.
"So.... it would be like almost two days worth of travelling and adventuring?" I asked. "Basically." Said Levi.

"So when do we leave?" I asked. "In three days." Said Eren. "That's enough time to train and pack. Then enough to learn movements and tactics of the formation." I said.
Just as I finished talking captain eyebrows walked in.
"The plan has been changed. The trip will be three days." Said Erwin.

My blood has now become to the point of boiling over, I just joined and I was just getting use to the schedule and now I will be gone for three days. I looked over to Levi who has the most deadly stare ever while I looked over to Erwin, Eren slowly backed away from the intense staring contest as well as Hanji. I looked at both Erwin and Levi giving them a stoic annoyed face.

Wait when did Hanji get in here?
I look over to Hanji and gave her a confused look, she slowly mouthed the words 'I have been here the whole time' and I just went with it. The staring was still going on. "Okay we all know your both pretty can we go now?" I said with a faint smirk.

The boys broke their stares at each other and stared at me. This was getting intense, I began slowly walking away before I heard Levi shout. "You still have to clean my room brat!" Did he just call me a brat. He knows this pisses me off.

I stormed over to the cleaning supplies looking at Levi who had a evil looking smirk on his face.
Hanji looked like she was about to die of laughter and Eren looked at me with a 'you really thought you would get away with that?' face.

Erwin cleared his throat before speaking again. "Your introduction will be after dinner. You will be escorted on and off stage." He said. Levi seemed to be amused by this and gave a bit chuckle.

"Excuse me!?" I said. "I don't think I heard you correctly." I added. Levi looked over to Eren and nodded. Eren silently and quickly left the office. "To be shown that you are within our supervision. And to show the level you will be acquired as." He said. Curiosity filled his eyes on his thoughts of what a small little girl like me can do.

"And still the question is why am I being escorted like a child?" I asked. Rage filling my body.

(Levi's POV) *surprise! Someone else's POV*

This will be fun to watch, (y/n) being escorted by Erwin's guards. Wonder what they will rank her up to. Maybe even a corporal like me. The last time someone touched her she almost killed them. Other than when we arrested her. She didn't like being touched by people she didn't know.

She has a big personal bubble that only I know of, from of course of our past. She was alright with me but anyone else other than me and Isabel and they would have to run for their lives.

She seems more bottled up than the last time I saw her of course, but it's almost like I can't really read her emotions other than anger. I watched as Erwin was about to speak again Eren looked at me, I nodded and he left. Hanji looked at me confused and I just sat back and watched.

Honestly even I don't want to be in between her at a time like this. I know better of course. I tried keeping my stoic face but ended up cracking a bit of a smile from amusement. "I am not your dog!" She shouted. How did they get to the topic of her being a dog.

"I'm not saying your a dog." He replied rather annoyingly. "Well the way you have been putting it seems like your saying I'm your little obidiante dog." She said. Anger started building up in her voice. Erwin seemed a little amused by this, just wait til you get her to the point of cracking.

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