Chapter 11

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(Levi's POV)

"Well if it isn't humanities two lost soldiers." Erwin said. I rolled my eyes at his remark, even Hanji sent him a glare. "How long have we been gone?" I asked in a monotone voice as per usual. "Two months and three weeks." Hanji said.

(Found out that Hanji's name was not spelt as Hanji, but was spelt as Hange... I liked Hanji better but whatever, we will have to stick with Hange now. I will edit the story after it is finished btw. The rest of the story is from season 2 and theories and made up hope ur all fine with that, let me know. Know what I'm keeping it Hanji!)

"What happened while we were gone?" I asked still with no emotion. "Still the same Levi, anyways; Annie still hasn't come out of her crystal. Commander Pixis is starting to train more cadets for battle. Recent sightings of titans inside the walls, only they keep disappearing into thin air, which I may add has caused more people to flee into the walls causing low amounts of food since farmers have also been moved." Hanji said while bandaging up (Y/n)'s head. I sighed sitting on one of the injury wagons.

 "I don't know completely how (Y/n) is, I have limited supplies out here but she seems to be in stable condition for now." Hanji said. Why is Erwin so silent? I don't need to know, all I need is (Y/n) is safe. Hanji sits beside me and starts examining. 

"I knew we should have let you stay." She sighed. "Your ankle is acting up again, you cracked a rib and you have a concision." She said standing up. "I don't feel any different, so what's up with that?" I asked. "Maybe it's the adrenaline or something, I don't know right now... Anyway you are probably wondering why we are out here. We are going to get two more titans, I'm gonna name them Sawney Jr, and Bean Jr!"Hanji exclaimed jumping up and down like a child receiving a present.

"How did you manage to get Erwin to agree with you?" I asked. Her cheeks turned a bit pink for a moment before answering, she used the advantage of the titans within the walls as an excuse didn't she. "H-he thought it would be a good idea actually, since the whole titan within the walls thingie." Hanji said turning around.

Okay, somethings up. 

She normally blushes about titans not other shit, so something happened between the two. "Shitty-glasses." I said in a warning tone. She slowly turned around giving me a nervous look. I stared into her eyes, she kept looking everywhere but me. "Anyway we gotta head back, we got the titans and we are heading back." Hanji said running off.

I smirked. I knew it, she finally hooked up with Erwin. After four years of knowing them and all the talking and shit like that. Maybe they will finally stop talking to me about advise, hopefully.

^^*Time skippie*^^

Back at HQ once again, pilled upon pilled of paper work. 'Tch' I thought Hanji would at least try to help me with paper work since my 'disappearance.'

They wouldn't let me see (Y/n) right away so I have to wait in my office, Yeager is getting me my tea while I'm here waiting being useless. Why couldn't it have been me? Why her? I placed my face in my hands wondering what could possibly be taking so long. *Knock Knock* "Come in." I said knowing it was Eren. Eren quietly entered and waited for me to dismiss him, I took the cup of tea thinking it was gonna taste horrible like it usually did coming from Eren. But to only be a bit satisfied with the way the tea turned out. 

I dismissed Yeager and started working on the paper work that eyebrows had stacked up for me. Another long night ahead.

^^*Time skippie*^^ 

It's been five fucking hours and Hanji still hasn't come to inform me about (Y/n)'s situation. "Tch, what the fuck is taking so long." I said to nobody really. I stood up from my study and actually looked at my progress. Not even a quarter ways done the mountains of paper work, she is starting to really get to me huh? I walked the halls of HQ making my way to the infirmary passing cadets, getting looks of shock and whispers.  

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