Chapter 6

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         Beyond the walls part 1
                  (Your POV)

I awoke to a small thud on my bed. "Hello Jason." I said sleepily.
"You gotta get up for the whole formation thiggie." He replied. "Did you talk with Erwin about that?" I asked while sitting up. "Yup! And he is gonna let me ride with him if it's alright with you." He exclaimed. "*Sigh* Alright, tell him I am up and that I said yes." I replied. "Yay!" He cheered as I stood up. He then ran out of the room and towards the mess hall.

                  (At breakfast)

I sat down finally with a little bit of food. "So!...You exited to go on your first mission?" Asked Armin.
"Just as long as I know a few people within the mission I am fine. That and the fact that it won't be worthless." I said taking a bite out of my bread. "What do you mean worthless?" Eren asked.

"What if something happen's that makes us have to return early. Like most likely a titan ambush? Or we lose too many soldier's? Therefore we lose time spent on the expedition and on the test's." I said.

"And the fact that this is endangering Jason." I added. "It's normal that you seem worried about the whole trip." Armin said while giving Sasha half his bread. I guess I am worried, but still I haven't really been worried about anyone else except for myself, Jason and Levi. Not about if we will make it back or something is failing.

Maybe I have gone soft after seeing Levi again, or since I have Jason now. Honestly I am happy I can feel more emotions again after four year's of feeling empty. Lots of thing's have happened in just one week. "So anyway you are a captain now right? Are you learning the formation's and stuff." Eren and Armin asked.

"Yeah I am actually learning it after breakfast." I said. "Can I come with you!?" Armin asked with a sparkle in his eyes. "Sure." I said. "Yay!" He exclaimed throwing his hands in the air.

                 (Levi's POV)

"When do you plan on teaching her the tactics and formations?" I asked Erwin. "After breakfast actually." He replied with a focused look. "Have you talked with her personally?" I asked. "Not at all." He replied with a sigh.

"She is just like you." Erwin said with a small chuckle. "Tch, you're point is?" I asked. "She will be good in battle." He replied.

Silence filled the room and people started chanting 'Fight!'
I walk over to see Eren and Jean arguing. Here I thought that they at least started to finally get along, I guess it will never happen. I was about to step in when I saw (Y/n) start walking towards the boys. As they both raised their fists in the air about to strike each other (Y/n) grabbed both of them by the hair, pulled them back a bit and slammed their heads together.

"Are you two done?" She said in a monotone voice. The boys nodded furiously. "And I will not hear any arguing within the next two hours?" She asked again. "No." They replied in synk. "Good." She said while turning around. As Jason ran to (Y/n) and hugged her, people started to leave the crowd.

(Yet again sorry for my horrible spelling)

I walked to one of the kitchen counters to grab some tea, (Y/n) came to the counter as well with a look of sheer anger. "What pissed you off?" I questioned. "The fact that Jean won't leave me and Mikasa the fuck alone. I'm trying to refrain from punching him in the face." She said with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

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