Chapter 14

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(Levi's POV)

Arlert had informed me that they were planning on getting Yeager back, in which the Military Police had also joined this war. "What exactly happened?" I asked the coconut head. "Well, after Ymir's return with Reigner and Bertholdt, they turned out to be the armoured titan, and the colossal titan... They told Eren that he could chose two ways to handle this situation, either go with them without a struggle and no one would need to die, or this would have to get complicated... Mikasa picked up on it and tried to kill them but it was too late, Eren ended up transforming on the other side of the wall and had a fight with Reigner. Which Reigner was winning for a little while until Eren almost turned the table, then Berthholdt fell off the wall while in half form and captured them both, the fight was over as they ran into the unknown parts of the walls."

"Tch, that brat needs more training once we get him back." I said in a irritated tone. 

(2 hours later)

We arrived at the wall as I dismissed Arlert to see his friend Ackerman, and approached Erwin who wore a worried aura. "What'd I miss?" I said monotonously. Erwin jumped not expecting my voice to appear so suddenly. "Oh, Levi, how is humanities strongest doing?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow, I glanced down the wall to see Hanji laying down asleep. "How long have you been worrying about her?" I asked.

"We are planning on having you around the front three lines or something like that, talk with Arlert with that part." Erwin said avoiding my question. I sighed before walking towards Arlert walking past a few other cadets to see them sitting on the edge of the wall looking at some plans laid down, they should be Hanji's group right?

I reach Arlert so see him changing Ackerman's cloth, "Oi, Arlert." I said. He jumps and stumbles to his feet as he salutes. "Yes captian sir?" He asked. "Erwin told me you have the plans for my position within the groups or something." I said. "Y-yes captain, um, I will go and retrieve them." Arlert said as he left. "Tch."

(5 hours later)

I ended up going back to HQ to both pack up a few snacks and possibly even to say one last goodbye to them, arriving at HQ seemed to come more quickly than normal. As I walked into the cafeteria to see (Y/n) and Jason making a small dinner for themselves.  Jason was the first to notice me as he ran up to me and hugged my legs, which I'm still not use to but I'm sure I will in due time. I knelt down to Jason's height and gave him a hug, (Y/n) seemed to know what was going to happen as she seemed worried as she walked over towards us.

"Hey Jason, after you're done hugging daddy over there, we will need to make him some lunches or dinners for his... Travel, or departure?" She said. Jason nodded with what seemed as a sadden aura surrounding him. He skips to the kitchen without another word and leaps towards a cupboard and grabs a few things. I glance at (Y/n) who gave me a sad smile, I felt a bit nervous myself of how this outcome would be.

"The few that have been injured will be transported here with a few that are staying behind to be taken care of, so you guys will not be alone tonight." I said. She lifts her hand to my cheek as I clasp my hand over hers. "Get that brat back here, and stay in one piece." She said before leaning her head upon mine.

"I'll do what I do best... Both protecting humanity... And kicking some titan ass." I said as I let myself smile a small smile. (Y/n) laughed lightly as she let my hand go, I felt a bit lost without her warmth, but walked next to her as we watch Jason run up to us with a small picture.

"Look what I made dad!" Jason cheered as he smiled a smile that would brighten anyone's day.

  I took the picture from his hand and took a look at it, the drawing was pretty good for a four year old in my opinion. "Is this me you and mum?" I asked. He nodded. "And where is this place?" I asked.

"I had a dream that we lived without the titans and on a farm." Jason jumped with joy. " I looked at (Y/n) who wore a smile as she picked up Jason. "Well, you have a talent cut out for ya buddy." I said as I ruffled his hair. He hugged me once more before leaving towards the kitchen to pull out plates.

(2 hours later) 

At the entrance of HQ I stood with two people who hugged me goodbye before I left, I tucked Jason's picture into my boot where I would always remember where it was and I would never lose it. I left upon a wagon, with Hanji on horse back beside me I watched as they soon disappeared into HQ. "They'll be fine, (Y/n) volunteered to help patch up the wounded soldiers there was a soldier that she knew, and will help entertain Jason. Then once you guys are back we can have a small party... I'm so upset that you guys wont let me come too." She pouted.

"Tch, you're an idiot. You have a concussion and you sprained your wrist." I said. "I did not!" She protested. I grabbed her left wrist that had been bandaged and slightly squeezed, "OW OW OW! What was that for?" She shouted.

"You're an idiot like I said, do you really think that you can focus properly while you have a concussion? What about having your hands being stable while you slice a titans neck? You go out there you'd be killed within half an hour or less." I said monotonously. She sighed as an sign that she agreed. The rest of the trip to the wall was silent, I found my horse already saddled and ready to go. 

At this point everyone was mounting their horses and getting into position. Eventually Erwin ended up making a huge speech about how we have to save Yeager even if it's down to the last soldier, and how he knows that Yeager is one of the routs to saving humanity. I didn't really pay much attention like usual, until I heard the word "ONWARD!!" I had zoned out, as we past under the wall's entrance I had a quick flash back to when Isabel and Farlan were alive and we had this happen. Now (Y/n) will now start to have these expositions.


'No...You're wrong... I WILL COME HOME... And I won't let you control my thoughts.'


Welcome to the first two posts of 2018, sorry for the wait *nervous laugh*

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