Chapter 4

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The first mission

(Jason's POV)
(Wow someone else's pov now huh? Magical lol XD)

As me and (y/n) stepped out of the carriage we were lead to a big building. "Where are we?" I asked.
"We are in the Survey corps base." Said the tall blonde man.

"Can I train too!?" I shouted excitedly. Everyone that was in the field looked at me and miss (y/n).
Some girls ran over to me and started poking me and hugging me.

I started to feel uneasy and felt crowded. It started to scare me.
But I felt someone grab my arm and pull me up towards them.

(Your pov)

I quickly pulled Jason towards me seeing that he was feeling crowded and looked a little scared. I then picked him up and put him on my swore side of my rib cage for it being farther away from the girls, it hurt like hell but I didn't care. I then gave all the girls a death glare.

I watched as they slowly backed away looking a bit terrified.
I gave them a smirk and they all booked it back to their training field.

"That was easy." Said Jason. I gave him a small smile. "Yes... yes it was." I said.
"Levi will be giving you a tour of the primitour so you become more familiar with it." Said Erwin. I saw Levi give him a death glare and walk towards me.

"Come on cadet." He said with a stoic impression.
I quickly followed as I slowly became more and more warry of where we all were, and let Jason down to follow us around.

He showed me to my room and let Jason stay with me. I left Jason on my bed as I started unpacking. I grabbed my basket and gave Jason a picture book to look at while I went to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror to see a huge bruise on my left rib cage.
I better get this checked.

*BTW sorry if my spelling is horrible*

I wrapped my rib cage and put on my clothes again and saw the book but not Jason.
"Jason!?" I shouted.

He didn't answer. "Jason?" I shouted again. No answer, I booked it out of my room and into the field. He wasn't there, "Jason!" I shouted.

Everyone looked over to me, I didn't care, I started running down the halls finding no traces of Jason.
Three more places to look for.
Mess hall, Levi's office, Erwin's office.

I'm going to go to Erwin's since they had been talking for a while.

Knock knock

"Name and bisnuess."
"(Y/n) (s/n) looking for Jason!" I said. "He isn't here." He replied.
"Alright thank you sir." I said and took off.

Levi's office...

Knock knock

"Name and bisnuess." He said.
"(Y/n) (s/n) looking for Jason." I replied.
"He isn't here." He said. "Alright thank you." I said before taking off again.

'The mess hall please be at the mess hall.' I thought to myself.
I slammed the doors open and three people inside. Their attention was drawn to me.

"(Y/n)!" Yelled Jason. "Jason! Where have you been!? I have been looking for you everywhere." I said.
"Sorry. But I made some new friends. Mikasa." He said pointing to the black haired woman.
"Armin" He said pointing at the blonde girl. "And Eren." He said pointing at the brunette boy. "Hello." They all said.

"Aren't you the boy who I hit while in the air?" I said. "Your the thief!?" He yelled. Mikasa grabbed Jason from me and backed away.

"Hey! Give me back Jason!" I yelled.
"Your and outlaw and you have a child with you!? You disgust me!" Said Mikasa. "Miss (y/n)!?" Jason asked.

Remember?(AOT Levi X reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora