Comfort (Marvel)

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Steve was staring out the window of his room. He had been there for a few days and everything was starting to catch up with him. It felt like weeks had gone by for him, making it seem like just last week he had been talking to Peggy before going into the ice. Instead it had been seventy years. That kind of got to him. Knowing that everything passed him by. Knowing that he lost so much time doing things he wanted to with her and his old friends. 

He looked up when the door opened. Only people with special clearance were allowed to see him. He had never see this person before. Her long black hair seemed to flow like waves down her back. Her dark eyes had a small glim in them when she saw him, lighting up her pale face. She was wearing a doctor's outfit with a badge. It said her name was Britney Drites. 

"Good afternoon Captain Rogers," Britney told him, walking over and sitting on his bed so she was facing him. 

"Good afternoon Doctor Drites," Steve responded. This caused her thin lips to curve into a smile. 

"Nice to see you can read. Not that I mean that as a bad thing. Just that sometimes people have trouble reading after they wake up from a comma. How are you feeling?" 

"I'm feeling fine for not. I'm guessing you are my assigned doctor?" 

"I am. You can call me Britney though." 

"You can call me Steve than." 

 "Well Steve," Britney chuckled, "would you like to leave this room?" 

"I thought I wasn't allowed to leave the room?" Steve asked. 

"I mean you aren't. But I'm your doctor. What I say goes. This room with very limited view isn't going to help you. You need fresh air and to see the world or else what good can you do?" 

Steve nodded, standing up. He followed Britney out of the room he was staying in. They walked past agents that stopped and stared at him as he passed. He didn't really feel comfortable with people staring at him. Has if she felt this, Britney gave him a jacket. 

"Put that on and you can wear the hood," she told him. "That way people can't really see it's you and they won't stare at you. Now just stay right here while I go get changed." 

She left him by a plant, walking off to get into some normal clothes. Steve gladly put on the hoodie, pulling the hood over his head. He looked up when she walked over to him again. She was now wearing a grey top with a white star on it. Her black jeans were ripped in a few places and her grey tennis shoes didn't make a sound has she walked over. She was also wearing a black jacket that covered part of top up. 

"Ready to go Steve?" she asked with a bigger smile than before. The smile really did make that beautiful face light up. Steve had to blink that thought away, nodding to her.

When he left, Steve thought he wouldn't have a good time. He thought he would just be dragged around and given boring lessons on the future. Instead he actually enjoyed himself. They didn't do anything wild, just walked around New York City. If he had a question about something, Britney answered him gladly. She gave him tips on how to handle newer stuff. She even went out of her way to buy him a phone. By the time they were done, Steve was sad to go back to that crowded room. 

He thought he would be stuck in there for a long time. Britney had other ideas. Until he got his own place, she took him out and got him used to the world he was now stuck in. She never got angry at him for not knowing something, gladly explaining to him. If he got overwhelmed, she took him out of the situation and calmed him down. He was glad her got to meet her. Once he moved into his apartment though, he kind of lost contact with her. He still texted her, but she got pretty busy with people wanting the doctor that helped Captain America. He honestly thought he wouldn't see her again. He was once again wrong. 

He was sitting in the helicarrier when he saw her. He was on a mission given to him by Fury. The only people who were allowed in this room were heroes that were joining some team called the Avengers. He was with people like Natasha and Tony. But he knew the blacked haired woman who looked like she didn't belong. He couldn't help but smile. 

"Britney!" Steve called, making her look up and smile. She rushed over, hugging the super solider tightly. 

"Steve it's good to see you! Is the future treating you better now?" 

"Thanks to you, yeah. What are you doing here? I thought this room was only for Avengers." 

"It is. Have you really not seen the news Cap?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"I'm the hero called Black Dragon." 

Steve had to blink at that. This sweet girl was actually a hero? She went out of her way and put her life on the line for others. He just couldn't believe that. But looking at her, he really could. He knew Britney had a heart of gold. She was so kind and giving to others that he really could believe it. He smiled a bit. 

"I can't wait to work with you." 

"I can't wait to work with you too Steve," Britney said with a smile has well. "Maybe you can get me used to the life of a hero." 

"I would love to." 

"Five bucks says they are so going to date soon," Natasha told Tony, quiet enough that they couldn't hear. 

"Five more bucks says Steve doesn't ask her out and she has to ask him," Tony told her. 


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