Party (Dream Daddy)

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(I'm going to be using my dad Coper Curlz as the MC. Yes I named him Coper Curlz. Don't judge) 

I sat up in my bed yawning a bit. Man, I really needed to cute back on all the drinking I do when I hang out with Robert. Or was it Mat I drank with last night? Maybe it was both. Stupid hangover. 

I got out of bed, stretching in front of the door. That's when my lovely daughter opened the door, hitting me right in the face. 

"OW!" I cried, holding my nose. I was now on the ground, curled up in pain. 

"Sorry Dad!" Amanda told me, looking at my nose. "You're fine, aren't you?" 

"Manda Panda, I've taken much worse pain than this. I'm fine," I chuckled. "What's up?" 

"Your boyfriend called and wanted to know if you wanted to hang out." 

"My boyfriend?" 

"Yeah. You know, Robert." 

I nodded. "What time?" 

"As soon as you wake up." 

With that, my lovely daughter walked out of the room, probably to go make herself a bowl of cereal. I am so proud of her. I got up and got dressed, making sure I looked good... man this purple hair was a mistake. Yet I look bad with blond hair so guess I'm stuck with it. 

I walked over to Robert's house, trying to listen inside. I could hear a guitar being played, smiling a bit. It was Matt! I know his playing from a mile away. I started to knock on the door when it suddenly opened. 

"Bro!" Craig told me, smiling. "I was just about to run over and get you! Joseph is already setting out the cake!" 

"Alright," I said, walking in.  

I looked around to see everyone doing something. Joseph was in fact, setting out a cakes. Brain was busy fixing a table that I have to assume had come lose. Mat was busy tuning his guitar so he could play some music. Robert was fixing some cocktails for us. Craig was getting the rest of the balloons set up. Damien was getting the rest of the food set up for the party. I didn't know until yesterday that Hugo's birthday was today. I could have sworn it was in two months. But I guess I was wrong. Though I do have to admit it is weird that we have the same birthday. I could have sworn I would have remembered that. Oh well, I wasn't about to tell all of my boyfriends that my birthday was today. I figured I would tell them after the day so they didn't make a huge deal out of it. 

"Hey, Coper," Brain called to me. I walked over, looking at him. "Can you go to my house and get my hammer, I need it to help fix the table." 

"You need a hammer?" I asked. 

"Yes. Please just go get it." 

I sighed, figuring I could be useful by getting the hammer. I rushed to Brain's house, getting his hammer. I stared at it, wondering what the hell happened to Robert's table to require the use of a hammer. Better not think too much about it Coper. Brain is better at tools than you, though I don't want to admit it. But I can think it, that's fine. Yeah. I walked back to the house, opening the door. 

That's weird. The lights are all off. I slowly reached to the wall to find the light switch. I knew it was here. I've done this before, but for a very different reason. My hand landed on the switch and I put it up. 

"SURPRISE!" I heard a large group say. I blinked, looking around the place. It was all them, even Hugo! 

"Huh?" I asked in clear surprise. 

"This party isn't for Hugo silly!" Joseph chuckled. 

"It's for you!" Hugo told me. 

"But... I didn't tell any of you it was my birthday," I told them. 

"Amanda told Daisy who told me," Brain explained. 

"Plus I remembered it was your birthday and couldn't go without giving my best bro a party," Craig laughed. 

I looked around the room, the kids had suddenly appeared, even my daughter. I saw the wonderful balloons were all in my favorite color, the cake said my name on it, hell it was all so wonderful. Oh no... don't you dare... 

"What's wrong?" Damian asked, noticing my tears. "Don't you like it." 

I rushed over and tried my best to hug all seven of them. It didn't work, but I think they got the point. I couldn't stop the tears, but I did have a huge smile on my face. 

"This is one of the nicest things anyone as ever done for me!" I cried happily. "I love it! I love everything! I love you guys! But fuck you for making me cry! I don't like crying!" 

I looked up and saw that a few of them had tears in their eyes too, which wasn't helping my own tears. Why do we all have to feel the same way all the time? It didn't make sense. 

"Dammit, now even I'm crying," Robert chuckled, wiping some tears. 

"Well this is a party people," Mat laughed after we had all calmed down. "Let's get partying!" 

We all, went do different spots, enjoying the party. We ate cake, talked, listened to Mat play, I even got some cool gifts! Each one from the dads clearly showed how each of them were. I got a really soft cloak from Damian. Like this thing felt like it was made of silk or something. I got a new water bottle from Craig for when we worked out. Brain gave me a few coupons for him to help me trim my trees since he's got that nice... anyway. Joseph got me a new mixer so I could make my own drinks and get to margarita zone. Hugo got me a new book to read so I could be better help for trivia night. I will probably not read it, but the thought was nice. Mat got me some cards so I could have some free coffee from the Coffee Spoon. And of course, some free banana bread. I was going to waste this so fast. And from Robert I got same soft slippers. I know, the 'bad' dad game me slippers. But he actually likes soft stuff like this. He stole my wonderful robe once. 

After the party ended, us dads sat down on the couch, snuggling a bit. 

"You like the party Coper?" Damian asked, looking up at me from the floor. 

"I did. It was great. Thanks guys." 

"Anything for our wonderful boyfriend," Mat told me. 

"But we do have one last present for you," Hugo told me. 

"What is it?" 

Robert leaned in and whispered it in my ear. I turned bright red at the thought of it. Man I was going to be so tried in the morning from it. 

I won't tell you all what we did, but I will tell you it was fun. No, not all of it was dirty. We played Twister once so that should tell you some of the good stuff we did. But I do have to say, I love all seven of my boyfriends. They are so wonderful in their own ways. They each bring out a side of me that I love, and I bring sides out in them. They are also really cute together. And they are all hot and strong. They can all pick me up without even trying it seems. I love them. 

Well, I should probably go. They want to see me in my slippers an cloak. Just my slippers and cloak. Bye! 

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