I Don't Care (Death Note)

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Seven was waiting in the office that had once belonged to Watari. She knew Kira was using it has his own. The thought made her sick. She knew that he knew her name so her being here didn't really matter. She had some things to talk to him about. 

When Kira walked in, he blinked a bit. He wasn't aware that someone had walked in. She probably got in here while I was with L he thought. He smiled a bit, knowing this girl's fate was already sealed. To think she was supposed to be the next Watari and would meet the same fate of the man. 

"What do you want Scarlet William?" Kira snarled. 

"I came to talk to you about a few things," Seven told him, not reacting to him knowing her real name. She knew she wouldn't last long. She was holding her violin tightly. Kira could make out that on the handle there was the signature L carved into the dark wood. He noticed that every gift these kids got had his L's famous letter on it. He was determined to burn them all. He had already gotten rid of some of the items. He just needed that instrument. 

"What is it?" he asked. Seven started walking towards him. 

"First I want to say thank you," she told him. "You once killed a man named Peter William. He was a mob boss kept in safe keeping. He was dangerous and had dirty hands. That was my father and I'm glad he is gone. That doesn't mean I support you in anyway. You killed Watari and L. You killed Mello and Matt. You killed Soichrio and Light. You think you are a god but you aren't. No one is a god. No one can pass judgment on others without someone else stepping in. You have no right to be judge, jury, and executioner. That isn't what humans are meant to be. But since I have no power over you and since I don't own a Death Note, let me give you some advice. 

"If you hurt a hair on L's head, I'm coming back from the dead and haunting your ass. If you don't give my brothers a peaceful death, guess who you have to deal with. Me. I'm a lot tougher than I look. I'm sure I'll beat the odds that ghost are actually real and come here. I used to be scared of you but I no longer care. Kill me. Kill my family for all I care at this point! You already killed most of them! I don't care. I'll even prove it." 

Kira was too stunned to move. That's why when Seven raised the cello over her head, he didn't move. He just watched has the wood was brought over his head. He collepsed onto the floor, groaning in pain. That was a strong hit. He looked up at the girl and could have sworn that there was a bright light shinning around her. 

What a shame she doesn't support me. She would have been a good person to use. She could have been an angel of the new world. That was what Kira thought before he passed out from the hit. He didn't die sadly. He was hard to kill it seems. 

The next day Seven died of a heart attack while playing the cello. She died in front of Near and Matt. All like Kira had planned. 

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