Goodbye (Marvel)

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Britney lightly pulled at her hair, looking at the time. All the others had left on either missions or dates, leaving her all alone. Usually she didn't mind some peace and quiet at the tower, but today was the one time she needed someone. The little voice in your head was being awfully loud and kept saying one thing over and over again: 

Wouldn't it just be nice to say goodbye? 

She knew this wasn't true. It wouldn't be nice to just cut the world away like it was nothing. She would be saying goodbye to a lot of wonderful things. She would be kissing her life away if she did what the voice was suggesting she do. Every point she brought up was meant with a sting of arguments though. 

If she did in fact leave, wouldn't her friends miss her? 

No. They wouldn't. To think they actually care was just a sweet fantasy. The Avengers didn't want her around because she was a caring and kind woman. They wanted the powers of the Black Dragon. If they had meant her before she became a hero, they wouldn't pay her the time of day. No matter what Tony or Steve said, they wouldn't miss her if she was gone. 

Well what about her husband, wouldn't he miss her? 

Why would someone like Loki care if she came or left? She wasn't anything special to him. He was the best thing anyone could ask for. He would find someone much better. He already did. Bucky was a far better match for him than Britney. Even Bucky wouldn't be too upset without her in his life. 

What about my kids? 

Never. They just loved her because she raised them. Hell she didn't even give birth to Steven. He just knew her has the only motherly figure to him because of Bucky and Loki. At the end of the day they would just flock to Bucky and Loki and leave her in the dust. She knew that. 

What about the world? Won't I miss it? 

Never. It won't miss you, you wont' miss it. That's how it should go. 

Britney sniffled a bit, looking around the kitchen. She wouldn't think straight anymore. She was going to do something she never thought she would do. All the promises and all the swears she made to never do this had to be broken. 

Just like her. 

She pulled out their sharpest knife, looking it over. Natasha must have sharped them because they seemed extra sharp. She smiled a bit. She was glad the medical license was going to be put to something useful to her. She knew with how much force and where to strike to get the perfect kill. She's seen it happen way too much. 

She closed her eyes, thinking of the faces she was going to miss but wouldn't miss her back. She was ready to say goodbye to the cruel would. With one motion the knife was in her chest, inches from her heart. She fell to the floor, closing her eyes with a smile on her face. 

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