My Friends (Hetalia)

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Arthur walked through the woods, his clock wrapped around him tightly so he didn't get cold. He has an apple in his hand, a snack he could use later. He heard a giggle behind him, but when he turned there was nothing there. At least that he could see. He shrugged it off, walking on his path again. Every once in a while he turned around because he heard giggles. It started to freak the little boy out. 

"H-hey!" he said, looking around. "I-if this i-is a joke, i-it's n-not funny!" 

The only answer he got was another giggle. He sighed, starting to walk forward until something with sharp claws grabbed him. 

"Put me down!" Arthur screamed. He would have struggled if he could. Yet any movement he made, those sharp claws had the risk of going right into the boys chest. "S-someone help me!" he screamed, fearing he was going to die. 

Suddenly he heard a horse neigh. He heard hooves pounding on the ground towards him and his strange capture. He looked up to see a white horse with hair that seemed to be made of the rainbow when it hit the light. At least at first glance he thought it was a horse. A second glance showed that there was a horn sticking out of the creature's head. It was a unicorn.

The unicorn stabbed the other creature with it's horn. The creature dropped Arthur in pain, running off. The unicorn caught the boy on it's back, licking his face to try and calm the shacking child. 

"Arthur?" he heard a tiny voice ask. The boy looked up to see a fairy looking at him. Yet it wasn't just any fairy. It was one that treated Arthur and his brothers like they were her own children. 

"Ava!" Arthur sniffed, looking at her. "A meanie tried to eat me!" 

"He almost stabbed the poor boy," the unicorn put in. "He was lucky I was around to hear him yell." 

"Thank you," Ava said, petting the unicorn. "Is there anything I can get you for saving the boy?" 

"His apple." 

Arthur held his hand out and the unicorn ate it. The boy smiled a little. While there were some creatures that hated him and would love to kill him, they could never compare to the friends and nice creatures he meant every single day. 

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