Late (Hetalia)

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Arthur rushed into the throne room, panting heavily. He was late with a meeting for his boss and knew he was in big trouble. His boss hated when he was late. He looked up and meant her dark brown, almost black eyes. She stood up and walked over to Arthur. 

"What have I told you about being late?" she asked him. 

"That I shouldn't be," Arthur said, looking at her. 

"I should punish you for this!" 

"Are you?"

"No! I would never do something so awful!" Elizabeth cried, throwing her arms around her friend. "I was worried something bad happened to you Iggy. I need to get you a watch or something. You're always late!" 

"Sorry Lizzy," Arthur chuckled, hugging her back. "Francis wouldn't wake up this morning so I had to spend extra time getting him up. It won't happen again." 

"You always say it won't happen again," the queen giggled, "and yet it always does happen again." 

The two laughed over the joke. Arthur was glad to finally have a boss that wasn't an evil monarch and punish him over stupid things. He knew Elizabeth would never hurt him. She cared too much about him to let anything ever happen to him. She was more than his boss: she was his best friend. 

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