Back Pain (Hetalia)

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"Big Brother Scotty!" Allistor heard his little brother Arthur call for him. He quickly got up and walked into the little boy's room, looking at him. 

"Iggy you shouldn't be moving," Allistor sighed, walking over and tucking the boy in more so it was hard to move. 

The poor little Englishman had been in an accident just a week ago. It had caused his spine to break and bend. The doctors said it wound be a wonder if he could walk or move his back without pain for the rest of his life. They wrapped him up the best medieval doctors could and sent him back to his house to stay on bed rest. Yet the little boy didn't like staying in bed and kept moving on his big brothers. Dylan and Allistor were being driven crazy with worry about the boy. 

"But it's boring!" Arthur whined, looking up at him. "And the way I was laying hurts!" 

"Maybe I should move you so you're laying on your stomach," Allistor said. "Or move you to my and Dylan's room. Dylan has a softer bed than you do." 

"What are you doing?" Dylan asked, walking in with a plate of food for their brother. 

"He was moving because the way he was laying hurts," the Scottish man told him. "I was either going to move him to your soft bed or put him on his belly so his back doesn't have to be in a way that hurts." 

"Alright, let's move him," Dylan said. "Than he can eat." 

"And cuddle with you both?" Arthur asked, looking up at them, looking happy with the idea of cuddles. (A/N What happened to Iggy?) 

"Yes, and cuddle with us," Allistor chuckled, picking the boy up. "Besides, if we don't give you cuddles, who knows what will happen! It's the best medicine after all." 

"And no more moving," Dylan told him. "If you keep moving, you're back won't heal right." 

"So?" the little boy asked. 

"You may deal with back pain for the best of your life." 

"That won't happen! I'll heal in no time, right Big Brother Scotty?" 

"Right Iggy." 

Arthur did heal in no time. Yet Dylan was right. The boy little's boy back didn't heal right thanks to the doctor's not setting it properly. Even to this day he suffers from a bad back. Not much they can do now. But he still gets cuddles from his oldest brothers whenever he whines to them about his back. It's the perks of back pain and being the youngest. 

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