Have A Little Hope (Black Butler)

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Rosalyn was walking around, cleaning some things up. It was her job as a maid to do those sorts of things. She passed by her master's room and stopped. Her wonderful demon ears picked up something. Was she crying. Lady Hope was not allowed to be sad on her maid's watch. 

"My lady, may I come in?" Rosalyn asked with a knock. The crying stopped for a minute and the door opened. 

"Yes Rosalyn?" Hope asked, trying to act like she hadn't been crying. It wasn't really working. 

"What as you so upset my lady?" 

Hope stopped for a bit. It looked like she was debating to tell her maid or not. But she couldn't stop her tears for that long. They rushed down her face no matter how hard she tried. She hugged her maid tightly, just crying against her. Rosalyn picked her up, leading her to the room. 

"I've got you Hope. I've got you." 

After a while, her tears stopped. She was calm enough to explain what had happened to her poor, confused mother. 

"I was taking a nap and I had a bad dream. I dreamed that I was still in that awful man's house. He kept doing those nasty things to me and I didn't want that. I kept screaming for help, but this time you didn't come. I was left to rot in his care... it scared me." 

"My Lady," Rosalyn said softly, making the young girl look up at her. "I will never leave you alone no matter what. You scream for me, I'll come running. Nothing will ever stop it. You can count on it." 

The two shared one last hug before they laid down, just cuddling each other. 

"Hey Rosalyn?" 


"I love you." 

"I love you too Hope." 

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