Goodbye (Hetalia)

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Arthur stared down at the gravestone before him, trying to hold back tears. His best friend and boss had just passed away, leaving him all alone. He had watched her be put in the grown, her favorite dress on. He sniffed has people shuffled past the Englishman, not paying him much thought. They had known the queen's best friend and didn't think anything about him. It was best to let him grieve after all. 

He fell to his knees when everyone was gone, laying a white rose on her grave. He had picked it himself so he could lay it on the virgin queen's grave. It was has pure and white has she was when she died. He let a few tears fall onto her grave. 

"It's going to be hard without you Lizzy," he mumbled, looking at her name carved into the stone. "I should have known better than to get near a human... I guess I've learned my lesson. Just like all the rest... goodbye Elizabeth. I hope to see you again someday." 

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