Chapter Four

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Too Good - Chapter 4

Walking through the doors of this “abandoned” prison, I almost could have laughed. Drew was looking around looking like he was expecting something to jump out at him, whereas Zach was jumping at every sound. I led us to the back of this “abandoned” place and looked around to see if anyone was watching (Of course, nobody was) before turning back to the old piece of wood in front of me.

To the untrained eye, this piece of “rotted” wood was just a piece of rotted wood. However, if you walked up to it, looked straight at it and didn’t blink for three seconds, the panel of wood behind it would slide aside revealing the entrance to one of the most secretive, highest technologically developed, and safest place in the world. The CIA entrance. 

“Whoa.” Zach and Drew said at the same time.

I smirked and walked into the hallway and started the steady decline downwards. We walked for a while then came to a huge set of double doors. I opened them using various verification techniques and we walked into the chatter and buzz of all the agents in the room. I led the boys to the secretary’s desk and the elderly lady behind the desk immediately brightened at seeing me.

“Oh Agent Six! We wondered when we would be seeing you next!” She shrieked.

I smiled and said, “Thanks Lydia. Yeah I kept meaning to stop by but you know how it is.”

“Yes, are you forgetting that I used to be an agent myself?” She asked jokingly.

“Most definitely not.” I said smiling. 

“I would hope not!”

“Yeah. Hey, is Ten in?”

“Yup, you know where to go?”

“How could I forget?”

“Have a nice visit!” She said and we turned around to leave.

I led the two boys along the maze of corridors towards all the offices while calling out greetings to others along the way. 

“Agent Six! Is that you? You’ve grown up so much!” One agent said to me.

“Six! Last time I saw you was in Europe on that one mission, remember? Boy we sure knew how to party back then…” Another said and I couldn’t help the smile that was on my face when he said this. We did know how to party, even though it was for the mission.

“So Six, you’re a party animal?” Drew asked me after that last one was said.

“Technically, no BUT we did have to do a cover at this party in Europe and dang can some of the agents here dance.”

“Oh. Can you dance?” He asked me.

“Yeah, I can do pretty much anything.”

“Cool.” He said. 

We walked in silence the rest of the way except for when we called out greetings to other agents. We arrived at the door to Greg’s office and Zach got quiet pretty fast. I looked over at him and saw him swallow hard; his face was also considerably paler. 

“Are you okay Zach? We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” I asked him quietly.

He swallowed hard before saying, “It’s now or never, right?”

“Well that’s one way of looking at it.” I said and knocked on the door.

“Come in.” A male’s voice said on the other side of the door. I watched Zach take a deep breath and I opened the door. Greg looked up at me from the papers on his desk and smiled.

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