Chapter 21

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Six's PoV

I sat in our room with the door locked and stared at the paper. This couldn't be happening.

I looked down at the paper just to be sure but the words still hasn't changed.

'Operation Reichenbach'

A knock on the door shocked me out of my thoughts and I shoved the paper into my pocket, standing up like my butt was on fire.

"Are you okay? Are you warm enough? Do you need more blankets?" Drew said and I shook my head.

"Well, Zach is just about to head out. Are you going with?"

I nodded and headed to my suitcase, pulling out a black t-shirt and leather jacket with black sweats. I went to the bathroom and put them on then headed downstairs.

"Hey, look who's back from the dead," Austin joked as I entered the living room and I froze.

"What did you just say?" I asked.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Oh uh... nothing. Forget I said anything," I turned to leave when something hit me in the back of the head.

"Your hat," Zach said shortly and shoved one on his head. I noticed he was dressed similarly to me in all black. After all, this was a stake out.

"Thanks," I replied back just as shortly.

Without saying another word he brushed passed me and out the front door. I followed him and jumped in the passenger seat.

"So," Zach said and glanced at me as he started the engine and backed out of the driveway.

"So," I said back but quieter.

"I know," he said and looked over at me.

"About?" I questioned although I had an idea.

"Operation Reichenbach," he told me and I bit my lip.

"Who else?" I asked.

"Can't say," he answered.

"Tell me!" I snapped.

"I can't say," he said and moved one hand off the steering wheel. He grabbed my hand and started tapping on it. I was confused at first but then I realized he was tapping in Morse Code.






I looked at him an mouthed 'Gavin?' even though I already knew. He never said anything but just winked and kept tapping.










'CIA agents?' I mouthed and he winked. 'How many?'

He held up three fingers.

"When?" I asked out loud.

He glanced over at me and swallowed before answering, "tomorrow."

I had a sharp intake of breath and froze.


"Look, you never heard it from me. I was only supposed to tell you after tonight. You good?" he shut off the engine and I saw Nathan's house a few houses up the street.

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