Chapter Two

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The rest of my day passed with not much else happening. I noticed that instead of each of us having different schedules, we all had class together by grades. I was a sophmore. My grade had me and 37 other boys in it. At the end of my day I began walking to my room when I felt a hand on my arm. I looked back and saw Zach who nodded his head over his shoulder, indicating that I follow him.

Zach lead me down towards a deserted hallway. 

"This isn't the part where you turn around and kill me now, is it?" I asked, joking.

"No." He responded.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going?"


We walked in silence for a while untilI said, "How about now?"





"Hey Six?"


"Shut up."


We stopped in front of a wall. Zach quickly looked around to make sure no one was watching. He reached out his hand and pushed in a faulty brick which then slid aside to reveal a secret passage.

"Cool." I breathed.

"Yeah. After a few weeks you'll find them all. I mean if your as good as everyone says you are." Zach said while walking into the tunnel and beginning the steady incline upwards.

"Yeah. Wait, what? People have been talking about me? My arrival was secret. How did you know?"

He pointed at himself and said, "Spy."

I pointed to myself and jokingly said while mocking his tone, "Better spy." 

He fake glared at me and stuck his tongue out and by that time we had reached the end of this tunnel. The darkness opened up and the only word that came out of my mouth was, 'Whoa.'

This room was a big glass dome that Was on the very top of the building. It was gorgeous in an old run down way. Some windows were smashed out but most were in tact. There were flowers that were more dead than alive. None of that caught my attention though. There were names carved into the wooden beams that held the windows in place. I subconciously walked over to a random wall and started running my hand along the names.

"What is this place?" I asked Zach.

"The Room of the Fallen. The place where spies names go. The ones who never come back from missions. This is also the only place where we are not on video or being recorded in the entire school."

"Cool." I said under my breath.

"So," Zach said turning to me, "What gives you the right to boss Mr. Tate around."

"He owes me." I said simply.

"From what?"

"We went on a mission together and I saved his life a couple times."

"You saved Mr. Tates life?"

"Yup." I said popping the 'p'.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, why are you here?"

"I told you. It was either that or go to school on a different continent."


There was a lapse in conversation until I said, "Did you know anyone in here?"

Zach nodded. "My brother. His names over here."

"Oh." I said as I trailed my fingers over the four letter name carved into the wall.

"Wait. Your brothers name is Greg? Greg Goode?"

"Was. Yeah." He said putting emphasis on 'was'.

I shook my head, "No. Is." I said putting more emphasis on 'Is.'

Zach looked at me like I was crazy. 

"Ugh. Come on." I said grabbing his wrist and practically running down the slope.

Unfortunately I forgot that there was a brick wall at the end and ran face-first into the wall. Since I was dragging Zach behind me when I ran into the wall, he ran into my back resulting in my nose getting slammed into the wall a second time. I could feel the blood coming out of my nose so I pulled my sleeve over my hand and held it to my nose to stop the flow. I pushed through the pain and opened the door to find most of my class as well as several boys from the grades younger and older than me standing in the hallway with their ears pressed against the door. 

"Couldn't move fast enough huh?' I asked smirking with my hand still holding my nose.

"No." Austin (A guy from my class that asked me a question in first period.) said sheepishly.

"Jeez  Zach, what did you do? punch her in the nose? Why is she bleeding?" A kid younger than me asked.

"What?" Zach asked while turning to look at me. 

"Oh, it's a gusher!" One of the guys older than me said. This was followed by a chorus of 'Ah's' and 'Oh's' 

I laughed at that and took my sleeve away, only to realize that it was now soaked in blood.

"Well, that's never good." I said smiling while reaching into my shoe to pull out a pocket knife. I cut off the bloodied sleeve and held it back to my nose.

"Alright-y then. Now I have to go show Zach that I'm right." I said.

"Ooh. Can we watch?" Drake asked.

"No." I said.

"Come on please." Carl asked.










I said and began to walk away. I heard Carl lean over and whisper to Drake, "Her and Zach are probably going to go kiss in a closet somewhere."

I whirled around and walked towards Carl, trying my best to not smile. I put on a amirk and when I reached him, I smacked him straight on the cheek.

I then leaned towards his ear and whispered, "Never assume things. It'll get you killed in the real world of spying."

"Ooooooohhhh!" Was the simultaneous arousal that came from the boys.

I smirked before turning around and walking back to my room with Zach following.


A/N: Yay! another chapter!!!

Dedicated to my cousins (too many to list! :P ) and Emzybear for saying this sounds interesting! I know that sounds lame but it means a lot since I have been a silent reader for a whie!!

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