Chapter Seven

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Exactly one week had passed since everyone had last seen Six and Alexis. One day they were called out of class for an 'emergency' and they hadn't come back since. Since they left, we had had two more Ghost Attacks (All the students were calling Code Blacks when no ones in the school, Ghost Attacks). Anyways, no we are sitting in an incredibly boring lecture about some crap I already know when there was a knock on the door. Mr. Tate stopped halfway through his sentence and frowned at the door.

"Come in," He called. The door opened and there stood Alexis. I'm pretty sure everyone's eyes widened at her look.

The normally pretty brunette had a cast on her right arm, her hair was knotted and tangled, her eyes red and puffy like she had been crying a lot, and she looked thoroughly exhausted. A girl Jayne? No, Jayme! From White Flag stood up and ran over to her, giving her a hug. They started talking in hushed tones and Jayme paled slightly.

The two girls then slowly made their way back to their seats and sat down. They sat and whispered for the rest of the class and when the bell rang bolted from the room. I looked at Zach and he nodded and we ran after them, pushing younger kids out of the way to catch up. Unfortunately we lost them in the hospital wing.

"What do you think their problem is?" Zach asked me. I shrugged.

"I dunno but Alexis was with Six, wasn't she?" I asked rhetorically.

"I suppose. Don't you think its weird that none of the teachers know where Six is either?" He said.

"Or," I said mysteriously, "They do know but just aren't telling us." We looked at each other. We both knew that that was the case.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked him.

"If we're thinking about sneaking into Six's room to find out where Six is, then yes. Yes I am,"

We stopped by our rooms and dropped off our books and grabbed our spy gear. Then we went to Six's room and picked the lock. Zach stepped inside and looked around.

"Woah," We both said. Her room was a huge mess. This wasn't like the Six I knew. Her room would be spotless. Only then did we notice a figure in all black with a ski mask on standing silently in the corner.

The man jumped out and attacked Zach and tackled him to the ground. (We could tell it was a man because of the body build). I punched him in the gut and he rolled off of Zach.The man stood up and pulled something out of his pocket. I saw something glitter in the light and noticed it was a switchblade. Oh 5#!+ (<AN: comment if you know what thats supposed too be!)

The man took a swing at me and I grabbed his wrist with the knife in and brought it down on my knee, effectively breaking his wrist and forcing him to drop the knife. He screamed in pain and I smirked, wuss. I brought my foot up to kick him in the face but he grabbed my foot. Too predictable. I jumped and turned in the air bringing my other foot across his face he dropped my other foot and I landed on both feet.

I took a few steps back and fist bumped Zach who was nursing a broken nose from being tackled by the large man.

"Nice," He said as we fist bumped.

I shrugged, "I thought so."

The man stood up and staggered over to us. I noticed he had got his knife back but since I broke his wrist he had to hold his knife in his opposite hand therefore giving him less accuracy. I punched him in the face and heard a sickening crunch telling me I broke something. However, I must have assumed wrong about his skill as he took a swipe upwards and cut a 3 inch gash in my left arm.

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