Chapter 15

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Okay, this is sort of a filler but I have a legit reason. 

I really hurt my hand so it took forever to type this. The actual chapter (Minus this A/N) is 1397 words so just be happy with that. The next chapter should be better...

Barely edited.

Happy Reading!


Six's PoV

Thankfully, during the entire time at Maria's the boys were well behaved except for a few moments which quickly simmered down.

I was now leaning against Nathan's bike with him beside me as we looked over the city, watching the sun set. He had offered to take me here because our 'date' at Maria's was kind of taken over by his friends.

"What's your favorite color?" Nathan asked me while turning to look at me, his arm brushing against mine.

"Hmm... blue. Yours?" I replied.

"You can't ask the same question back to me!" he exclaimed.

"Fine, fine! Jeez! Uhm... favorite animal?"

"Dogs. How many boyfriends have you had?"

"Three," I lied then continued, "favorite sport?"

"Football. What was your last school like?"

"Uh... it was different. I kind of stood out a lot," I smiled slightly.

"How so?" Nathan seemed genuinely interested so I continued.

"Well, I was more academically advanced than them so that was weird. I also had a few mishaps which drew more attention to me than I would have liked," I said.


"Well, I broke my leg and lost bits of my memory. That wasn't very fun," I chuckled, remembering my incidents.

"You lost your memory?" he asked shocked. I nodded my head and he let out a low whistle. It was quiet for a minute or so (one minute and thirty seven seconds but I totally wasn't counting) then he turned to look at me.

"You know," he started out slowly, "My football team has this tradition that if you take a girl here, the second you can't see the sun anymore, you kiss them."

I looked at the horizon and saw that the sun was approximately a minute away from disappearing completely.

"Oh?" I raised my eyebrow and looked at him.

"Mhmm," he nodded and smiled at me. I smiled back and he adjusted his body so that he was facing me completely.

Before I knew it, our faces were a mere inch apart and his lips were brushing mine as he whispered, "We can't break a tradition."

"No we can't," I smiled a little and he closed the gap between us to press his lips against mine.

All I can say is I wouldn't be able to tell you if those fireworks were real or part of my imagination.


"What's got you so happy this morning?" Zach asked as I skipped into the kitchen.

"Oh nothing! We might be out of here sooner than I thought! how's your half of the mission going?" I practically sang.

"Fine," he said and gave me a weird look, "We've narrowed it down to two people and we just have to stalk them. You up for a stake out tonight?"

"You know it!" I said and grabbed a strip of bacon for the plate he had just finished cooking.

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