Chapter 25: The End Of All Things

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(Camila's Point Of View)

I awoke from a wonderful night sleep and stretched tiredly. Today was a new day. A chance to start over.

I did my normal morning routine, I had one class to go to so I got prepared and ready for it.

Clementine always had a load of classes. She had some today and then the whole gang and I were planning on meeting up for coffee and donuts this evening.

It was going to be a good day.


It was 5 p.m. and I was anxiously waiting at the coffee shop for my friends to arrive. I was usually early, but I knew they'd show up soon.

I sat at a booth and waited. Oddly, something seemed off. My ears were ringing.

I suddenly realized that the ground was shaking.

"Earthquake!!" Somebody yelled.

I hopped out of the booth and hid under the coffee shop doorway. I glanced to my right, the street was rumbling and quaking violently.

I heard a loud noise and saw the street split in two. My eyes widened in shock.

After the ground split all the way down the street, it stopped. The quaking. The shaking. The rumbling. Stopped.

      I looked around me, no one seemed to have gotten hurt. I was relieved.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

I exited the shop and stood on the sidewalk. Looking down the street, I saw four gigantic robots walking.

"Oh no." I whispered.

They crushed everything in their path. Bushes, cars, fire-hydrants, and one even crushed a hot-dog stand.

I saw Volt behind them, ordering them what to do. She was levitating in the air with her electricity creating giant legs for her support.

I ran until I found an alleyway to transform in. I pushed the button on my necklace and now.. Astrid was here.

I flew up off the ground and began heading towards a robot.

Terrorized citizens filled the streets. But, when they saw me they applauded.

I punched a robot with all the strength within me. I flew backwards and caught myself.

I didn't even dent it.

That's when I remembered, Volt made them impenetrable. Somehow.

I had to defeat the robots from the inside. I just didn't know where to start.

"Ah, Astrid!" Volt boomed, she hovered closer to me. "I see you've come for the show." She cackled wickedly.

"What is this? Why??" I demanded.

"Oh, darling." Volt smiled sweetly. "This is the end of all things involving you and the citizens of Williamsburg. Oh, but I won't stop here. I'll grow my darkness until it consumes all of Montana, then the United States, until the whole world is begging me for mercy!!"

Anger thrived within me, "I guess I'll have to stop you." I cracked my knuckles and threw myself at her. Knocking her down, and punching her left and right. Beating her senseless.

I looked up and saw the robots. They were shooting fire from their giant eyes. Burning buildings to a crisp.

"No!!!" I yelled. I jumped off the ground and charged towards a robot. I zoomed around it. Looking for a switch, a door, a button, anything.

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