Chapter 6: The Birds

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It's been three weeks since I'd spoken to Melanie. My so called "Super strength power" hasn't been acting up and I haven't even experienced any other powers. Maybe I won't get them after all, I sure hoped so.

Anyway, I leave for college this Tuesdayーthat's two days till then! I've been packing since yesterday evening, and preparing myself for everything that will occur in the next few days.

I can't wait to live in a dorm room! It'll be so fun, i've got almost everything I'll need. I quickly went over all that I had packed.

My pillow, comforter, blanket, golden-retriever WebKinz, a ton of clothes, three pairs of shoes, toiletries, my favorite book series: The Maze Runner series by James Dashner, my journal, backpack, and all my school supplies and books!

I scratched my head,
    I'm missing something..

I popped up off my floor and grabbed a box in the back of my closet labeled room decor. Then, grabbed my CD player, headphones, radio, clock, and a few other things. With my arms now completely full, I walked towards my bed and lightly tossed the stuff down.

    "There, done." I sighed happily, quite proud of myself. I looked over at my desk. It was almost completely empty, besides the white glass bell that sparkled as the sunlight through my window hit against it. The beautiful bell stood all alone on top of the desk.


I slowly reached over and picked up the bell. I dusted it off and thought for a moment. I had originally planned to not bring the bell with me to college, but for some reason I felt like I had to. I set it down next to the items I was bringing with me.


    It was spaghetti night. Angie and I had just finished preparing dinner and I'd called Thomas and Dad to come eat.

I was setting the table when Dad came in, "you excited for college honey?" He asked over-excitedly.

I grinned, "yes, I'm so excited!! It'll be great!"

"Make sure to behave yourself while you're there. No parties with boys." Thomas teased when he entered the kitchen.

"Haha, very funny Thomas." I rolled my eyes.

"Alright enough talking, the food is getting cold!" Angie said.

"Yes ma'am." We all replied and sat down.

Angie could be scary at times, but she began to take control of responsibilities when our mom died. She's always on top of us to be our best and clean up after ourselves. We're definitely lucky to have her.


    I awoke Monday morning to the sound of arguing. It was surely nearby but muffled. I knew that it wasn't coming from any one in the house.

I hoped the arguing would stop, but it didn't. I groaned and got out of bed. Trudging to my open window, I began to understand what the argument was about. Something about.. Worms? The children? I'm not quite sure.

Outside my window were two beautiful red cardinals. Their beaks were moving but not a single chirp escaped their mouths.

"-you said you'd get them breakfast! They're hungry and I don't know where to get the worms. I hardly ever leave the nest! So how would I know where to go?" A small, yet angry female voice argued.

"So? All I do is get food for you and the kids! I need a break for once in my life!" A male's voiced yelled back.

It was then that I realized, that these angry voices were coming from the cardinals.

"Um, excuse me. Hello?" I asked wearily.

The arguing stopped, they both turned their heads towards me.

"Can you understand us?" The female asked.

"I uh.." I began.

"Honey, are you crazy? Humans can't speak to birds!" The male broke into a laugh.

I interrupted him, "I can understand you.." I replied, trying not to faint. "How can I understand you?" I began to freak out.

"Calm down. Calm down." The female replied, "my name's Alessia, and this is my husband, Jack."

"How do you do?" Jack asked.

"I uh, I'm Camila." I tried to reply calmly. "Why were you guys arguing?"

"Because Jack, here, wouldn't go get some breakfast for our triplets." Alessia muttered angrily.

    "That's because I never get a break. I'm always leaving the nest to do this, do that, get that, and so on." Jack growled.

    "Hey, I'll be right back." I said suddenly, "don't go anywhere."


I came back about 10 minutes later after i'd gone to the garage.

"I hope this solves your problem. For right now at least." I said as I offered them an open can of worms that I'd found in my dad's old fishing kit.

If they had the ability to smile, I'm sure they were smiling.

"Wow, thank you, Camila!" They answered in unison.

"You're welcome." I smiled.

    "Y'know, when we teach the kids to fly, we should have them come meet you. We live in the apple tree in your yard." Jack suggested.

    My expression saddened, "I'd love that, really I would, but I'm leaving for college tomorrow morning.."

    "Oh. Well that's alright, we could easily visit you there. Where is it at?" Alessia asked.

"It's called St Peter's School Of Arts." I replied, "that would be great. I'd love to have somebody to talk to while I'm there."

    "We'll definitely make plans to see you soon! Anyway, we'd better get going, the kids are probably getting impatient. Thank you for the worms Camila!" Alessia chirped happily.

    "It was nice to meet you!" Jack sang.

    "Nice to meet you guys too!" I called as the flew away to their small nest.

    I was glad I hadn't freaked out. I mean, I was sort of expecting this. I was hoping I wouldn't gain this ability, but just like Melanie said, it's fun!

    I was overjoyed to gain some kind friends. Maybe this whole ability thing wouldn't be so bad after all.

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