Chapter 22: I Will Avenge You

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      I was flying back to the college when I saw Will standing on the rooftop of building B. He was alone and leaning on the blue railing. I smiled to myself and decided to have some fun with him.

      I flew around the building and landed on the other side of the roof. I walked up behind him slowly, "hey, there." I said.

      Will jumped and turned around, "woah! You scared me, Astrid." He said, putting a hand to his chest.

      I chuckled slightly, "Sorry for the scare. I was just flying around and I saw you by yourself."

      Will brushed his jet-black hair away from his eyes and smiled politely.

"So, what's your name?" I asked. "You were in that group that told me about Volt's lair, right?"

He nodded, "yeah. My name's Will. Will Levy." He held out his hand.

I shook it, "pleasure to meet you. So, what are you doing up here all alone?"

Will shrugged and leaned against the railing, "thinking."

I looked at him questioningly and leaned against the railing as well.

He blushed a little, "okay, okay. I was thinking about a girl."

My eyes widened slightly, "oh. A girl, eh? What's her name?"

Will smiled shyly, "it's Camila. Camila Anderson."

"Do you like her?" I asked, with a smile.

Will looked down, "yeah." He murmured.

I brushed my auburn and blue hair away from my eyes and cleared my throat, "What is this, Camila like?" I questioned.

Will looked out into the blue sky, almost, dreamily. "She's amazing.." He began. "She's smart, and kind, and funny." He bit his lip to hold back a smile.

Just listening to him made me blush, luckily he wasn't looking at me.

"And.. She's absolutely beautiful. She's got these eyes they're so blue and I try not to get lost in them.." He chuckled, "and this hair it's an auburn," he paused and glanced at me, "it's like your hair, actually. Besides the blue, and anyway it looks so soft. Plus, she has this smile it just lights up her whole face. It's so comforting. And she's got the most adorable freckles." He paused, snapping back to reality. "Holy crap. I can't believe I just said all of that. I'm such a dork." He looked down bashfully.

If I wasn't blushing a few minutes ago, I sure was now. I turned my head to the side, hoping he wouldn't notice. "No, no. It was sweet."

"I cannot believe I just said that. And to you. Oh my gosh." He put his face in his hands.

"I didn't think you were the romantic type." I chuckled, "you must really like her."

"I do." He said into his hand.

"Well, it was lovely talking to you." I patted him on the back, "It was especially nice hearing about this, Camila. But, I better get going." I stepped away and began to fly off the building.

Super Secrets :An Ability Awakening:Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora