Chapter 5: The Oracle

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    I was hardly breathing. How could something like this happen to me? I mean, it's kinda cool.. But I'm totally freaking out!! Slowly and cautiously I stepped back from my car, towards the house. I literally just lifted my car with m-my bare hands..! I thought, rather dazed.

    Suddenly, a thick green puff of smoke appeared out of thin air. It surrounded me on all sides immediately and swallowed me up.


    I found myself trapped in a small room filled with many fluorescent lights. The walls were made of a shiny white marble, and the floor tiles were made of oak wood. Fancy satin pillows sat on the most beautiful lace-covered couches you could ever see. There was not a single window in sight, yet, there were curtains covering certain areas.

"Hello Camila"

I whipped around and saw a young beautiful woman, who didn't look much older than me. She had dark, very long hair that fell to about her upper thighs. A long fairytale-like white gown was what she wore. It was adorned with many jewels and sparkles - which complimented her lovely dark skin. Her mysterious violet eyes were enchanting, and seemed to resemble the purple in a sunset. She was also rather tall if you ask me.

"How do you know my name?" I asked, she wasn't nearly as frightening as that doctor Henry. So I wasn't scared to question her.

"My name is Melanie."
She smiled sweetly and bowed.

    Much more relaxed, I bowed back. "How did I get here? How do you know my name?" I questioned.

    "I was the one who brought you here. I am, well.. Magic. My main ability is that I see everything. Anything that has happened or will happen. I know everything about everyone that has ever existed in the universe." Melanie explained.

    "You can see everything..??" I felt slightly nauseous after hearing that strange information. "Are you some sort of fairy godmother or something?"

    She seemed quite annoyed about that question. "No I am not a fairy godmother I am an oracle. I have lived for thousands upon thousands of years." She glanced down at her gown. "I like to dress up sometimes." She grinned.

    "So.. You brought me here then?"

    "Yes. Ooh! I'm guessing your wanting an explanation?"

    I nodded, "Yes I'd like that."

   "Ok ok. This is going to sound kinda creepy so just be prepared... I've been watching you for awhile. Not in a stalker way. Just, looking after you." Melanie explained, slightly embarrassed.

    "Umm. Ok. But why?"

    "I saw that horrible doctor Henry take you and experiment on you! He injected you with a chemical substance that will give you superpowers! Cool huh?"

   "Did you see me pick up my car then..? I think I have..." I trailed off.

    "Super Strength." Melanie finished.  "And, Yes. It was amazing!"

    "D-do I have more powers.?" I asked anxiously.

    "Yes you do. They are quite extraordinary. In the next few days you'll finally have all three of them." She grinned with satisfaction.

    "What are the other two?"

    "The ability to talk to animals, that one is more for fun." She winked. "And the ability to fly. You know, soar across the sky like a bird! You'll love it!" Melanie exclaimed.

"But why me? Why out of all the billions of people in the world I'm the one that gets powers??"

"You were chosen." Melanie paused, and took a deep breath. "50 years ago I found a letter. It was a prophecy. Speaking of, a young girl discovering superhuman abilities and saving the world. Sadly, I've lost the letter..." She looked down, "I waited many years for you to be born. And when you were I've watched over you ever since. My job is to guide you on this whole thing. There are many responsibilities and-"

    I cut her off. "Hold up. Saving the world??"

    "Why yes." Melanie paused, "Something wrong..?"

    "Yes something is wrong!! I didn't sign up for this. I can't be a hero. I have a life! A family! This will ruin everything." I whined.

    Melanie straightened at my reaction. "I'm sorry you feel that way. You will grow to like your powers I promise." She handed me a white sparkly bell. "Ring this if you need me." She smiled, "Goodbye Camila."

    And with that, a puff of green smoke came over me and I appeared back in my driveway.


    "Good.. Bye.." I mumbled.

Super Secrets :An Ability Awakening:Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora