Chapter 9: Melanie's Big Idea

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It's been a couple of days since the incident at the party. Luckily, Clementine was in the bathroom the whole time, so I'm happy she was safe.

    Alexa however, claims she was drunk and didn't remember a thing from the party.

    It was all rather strange. Of course, I wasn't nearly as shocked as everyone else. I knew that abilities like that were a part of our reality. It was just kept secret.

    The one thing I knew. Is that I desperately needed to know the mysterious figure behind the mask.

    Who was this Volt?
    Why is she just now surfacing to reality?
    What is she planning?
    Is this what I was meant to do?
    Am I supposed to stop her?

    I knew exactly what I should do. Talk to Melanie.


    Clementine was with her family this evening so I decided it was time for a chat with Melanie.

    I was so thankful that I had decided to bring my bell to college, it was the only way I was able to contact her.

    I opened a box that was under my bed and picked up the shiny pearl bell.

    I sighed, and rung it. Nothing happened. I rung it a few more times and-


    Melanie appeared right in front of me. This time, wearing a frilly, violet gown that hung just above her knees. As well as a large, white flower in her long, brown hair.

    She smiled, "Hey there Camila! How's it going? Have you discovered all of your powers yet? What can I do for you?"

I took a deep breath. "Okay. So there's this chic named Volt who has superpowers, but she's evil. She crashed a party a few nights ago and lots of people were hurt. I don't know who the heck she is or how to stop her. None of my powers have acted up in the past week or so. And I still can't fly." I took another breath, "what do I do, Melanie?"

Concern crossed her face. She didn't reply. Melanie put her hands on her hips and paced the room, pondering on what to say.

Her face lit up like a lightbulb had gone off. "I got it! Super hero camp!"

I raised an eyebrow, "super hero camp?"

"Well, it's kind of a fun way of me suggesting that I train you." She continued.

"You don't even have superpowers!" I argued.

She rolled her eyes in response, "I'm an oracle, I don't need superpowers."

I groaned and glared at the floor for a moment.

"So do we have a deal? I'll train you and we can figure this out together."

"Yes, we have a deal." I sighed.

"Great!" She cheered and clapped her hands together. "We'll start tomorrow."

"I have classes tomorrow." I interrupted.

"Then Saturday we'll begin! I'll be here whenever you're ready to ring the bell." She winked.

"Alright. Sounds good." I replied.

"Well i'd better be off, goodbye Camila!" She exclaimed.

And then Melanie was gone.

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