Chapter 19: First Date

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Saturday evening

"Ooh! You guys are gonna have so much fun! I ship it, I ship it!!" Clementine squealed.

"Camiwill! That should be the ship name." Alexa said as she braided Clementine's hair.

"You can call it that as long as you don't make t-shirts." I chuckled as I brushed my auburn hair.

"We're not making any promises." Clementine giggled.

"Say hello to the Camiwill fan club!" Alexa cheered.

I rolled my eyes and smiled, you guys are hilarious." I murmured sarcastically.

There was a soft knock on the door, I opened it to see Will smiling shyly.

"Hi." I smiled, letting him in.

"Hi." Will nodded.

"Hey!!" Clementine and Alexa chimed in.

I chuckled and grabbed my purse, "I think I'm ready."

"Don't have too much fun, you guys!" Alexa teased.

We walked into the hallway and I closed the door. "They are something else." I giggled.


Will drove us to a burger place across town called, Burger Mania.

We walked inside and ordered our food and then sat at a table.

      I folded my hands on the table, "so. What are you learning at St. Peter's? What career are you going for?"

      Will cleared his throat, "Music. Composing songs. I'm taking different piano and guitar classes. As well as songwriting classes. I'm hoping to be in the music business someday."

       "Wow." I awed, "I had no idea."

      "Yeah, I don't like talking about it much." Will admit.

      "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to pry."

      Will shook his head, "you're fine. Richie and Brayden like to tease me because of it. They say it makes me too soft."

      "Ugh, I love them, but they're such jerks sometimes." I huffed, "why do they tease you? Why do you still hang out with them?"

      He shrugged, "I've known Richie since the first grade, and Brayden since the fourth grade. They've always been there for me, they aren't that bad. I just allow them to act like that because it doesn't bother me anymore."

      "What are they planning on doing, career-wise?" I asked.

      "Brayden wants to be a graphic designer and Richie's going to be a film maker or director." Will said.

      "I mean, that's cool. But, music is better." I decided.

      Will looked at me and smiled. "So, what about you?"

      "What about me?" I giggled and played with a strand of my hair.

      "What do you want to do, career-wise?"

      "I'm learning how to be a hairstylist and I'm taking classes on running a business. I want to have my own personal hair salon one day."

     Will nodded, "wow, that's really cool. Learning to cut hair correctly would be difficult for me."

      I chuckled, "it's difficult, period."

      We were served our food and we dug in. We discussed each other's families and siblings. Will lives with his single mom and has three little siblings. Amarie who's 15, Michael who's 11, and Sophie who's 5.


      We talked and talked and talked. It was great. We lost track of time and we were there for so long that the sun had begun to set.

      "Woah. It's getting late." I chuckled.

      "Hah, yeah. We should probably get going." Will suggested.

      We stood up and left our booth, we walked outside and climbed into Will's car.


      We entered building B and we began walking up the stairs to my floor. "Wait." I stopped walking.

      "Yeah?" Will asked.

       "I want to show you something. Follow me." I spoke as I led us up the stairway.

      I soon opened a door and we were now on the roof. The sun was almost completely gone from the sky and only a few pinks and violets remained of the sunset.

     We looked out upon the small and beautiful town of Williamsburg.

      "It's so amazing." Will murmured as he gazed into the sky and down upon the town.

      "I know." I placed my elbow on the blue railing and sighed happily.

      Will shifted uncomfortably on his feet, "thanks for hanging out with me tonight. I had a great time."

      I looked up at him and smiled. "I enjoyed it, Mr. Levy."

      He bit his lip to hold back a huge smile, "haha, you're funny."

      I leaned back from the railing and stepped closer to him. "I'm hilarious." I teased.

      Will blushed as I drew closer. He gazed into my eyes and then glanced at my lips. I felt my cheeks heating up.

      "Camila, is it okay if Iー"

      I cut him off with a soft peck on the lips. I pulled away a little too quickly.

      His beautiful eyes widened in surprise, his cheeks now a bright red.

      I smiled and looked down shyly, "sorry." I murmured.

      There was a quiet pause. Will then gently titled my chin up and then kissed me softly.

      It was just him and I. Alone in this crazy world. Everything was perfect in this very moment.


      I entered my dorm room to see Alexa and Clementine eating popcorn while watching a movie.

      Alexa sat up and paused the tv. "How'd it go?" She asked excitedly.

      I leaned against the door, "wonderful.." I giggled dreamily.

      Clementine stood up and pulled me to sit on her bed with Alexa, "details, Cami. Details!"

      I set my purse down and smiled like a dork, "we went out to eat and talked for a while. It was so nice." I closed my eyes happily.

      "And??" Alexa begged.

      "We went up to the roof and hung out."

      "And?!" Clementine's eyes widened.

      "We.. Kissed." I murmured happily.

      They both squealed with delight and giggled excitedly.

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