The Greatest Loss -- Part 2 (Bucky Barnes x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Bucky, my life isn't worth yours or any of the others." Her eyes opened again and they were full of pain. "You need to get out of here."

"That is not-"

An arrow pierced the torso of the doctor, and he let out a sharp gasp as the gun slipped from his hand and clanked on the floor. His eyes locked with mine before he let out two strangled words from his dry, cracked lips. "H-Hail HYDRA." His body collapsed on the floor and the life faded from his body. I looked up, and made eye contact with Clint, who was standing on a platform above us.

"The others have taken out the other Agents in the compound, but reinforcements are being sent here quickly. We need to leave. Now." He said as he pulled another arrow out of his quiver and strung it on his bow.
I nodded, before turning to look at Y/N. Her face was pale as her eyes focused in on the body in front of her. I could see more blood starting to seep through her clothes, and I quickly stepped to her side before she could collapse to the floor. "Let me carry you, doll."

"Y-You came." She murmured softly, her hand shakily making it's way up to my face as I lifted her into my arms.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked, looking down at her as I placed my hand on hers.

"He said you wouldn't." Her words began to become more slurred, and I knew she was beginning to lose consciousness

"He's a liar. They all are. Stay awake for me, doll. We need to get you back to the jet, and get you looked at."

"I"m just glad..." Her Y/E/C eyes met mine, shining with a mix of joy and sadness at the same time. "... that I at least got to see you one more time."

"You are not going to die." I murmured as Clint and I exited the room, running towards the ship. "Don't you dare say your goodbyes."

"Mm." She let out a small giggle a few moments later as we drew closer to the jet. "Have I told you how much I love your voice?"

"No. But tell me more." I smile softly, knowing that it was better to hear random words than none at all.

"It's just..." Her smile started to fade. "I don't know... it's actually mostly everything about you that I love, Bucky Barnes. I don't know... how to describe it."

"Well, I'm glad you love more about me than just my voice." I chuckled as we got on the jet, and I put her on the medical table set up in the back. I moved back as the two nurses we had hidden on board while we went in (A/N: Just bear with me here. I'm trying to make this as realistic as possible lol.) began to examine the severity of her wounds.

"That's the part where you say 'I love everything about you too', dumbass." Y/N grumbled tiredly, and a smile pulled at the corners of my lips.

"She will be fine." One of the nurses reported. "She has several cuts in her collarbone, and bruises covering her essentially head to toe, but nothing life threatening. She will only need stitches and weeks of bed rest."

"Thank you." I said softly, relief crashing over me like a wave.

"We're going to put her on pain killers, to help her fall asleep faster and to ease the pain. If she continues to talk, just know that the meds are probably influencing what she says." I nod, and after a few minutes of arranging the medicine to go into Y/N's body, the two nurses walked away.

"So... I'm not going to die?" Y/N's voice slurred out five minutes later, and I laughed.


"Damn... wouldn't THAT have been something."

"No, doll, it would have been terrible." I took her hand in mine. "Why don't you get some sleep?"

"Sleep is for the weak!" She declared.

"No, sleep is for the people who want to heal faster." I look her in the eyes. "And I want you to heal as fast as you can."

"Okay, Buck, I will." Y/N smiled softly, and I did the same. "I love you."

"I love you too, doll. " I replied quietly, and I watched as her eyes closed and her breathing slowed. Footsteps approached, and I glanced over to see Steve taking a seat next to me.

"How's she doing?"

"Good. Only needs stitches and bedrest." I smile.

"I'm glad, Buck. You deserve Y/N, and I know how terrible-"

"I don't want to think about it." I interrupt, shaking my head. "I only know that I have been lucky to have gotten to her in time."

"I know." Steve gave me a smile. "We'll be back at the Tower in an hour or two. You should probably get some rest."

"I will... at some point." I reply, my eyes fixed back on Y/N's sleeping form.

"Good." He got up and walked back to the front. I squeezed her hand gently, thinking only about how lucky I had been... to avoid what could have been my greatest loss.

A/N: Okay! Part 2 (and the final part) is up! I tried to add some humor at the end so it wasn't all angst, per say, but... I don't know. Maybe it sucked. I apologize. Hope you liked it!

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