Part 1

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15 years it has been since I have last seen him and since the revolution has started. It was a good 3 years till I joined the war after learning all there is to know about the  Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū style of swordsmen ship. I joined the imperialist side and I heard of the legendary Battōsai but it didn't make me tremble in fear like the other men when they heard that name. For some odd reason I felt connected to it, maybe it was a man-slayer to man-slayer thing. People called me a blood queen due to anytime I do kill the Shogunate I make very clear who was there with how I killed the men. I would like leave a blood trail of bodies would be in a line or blood words on walls saying I was there. I enjoyed killing these people but then 2 years went by and a new government popped up and banned swords. 

This Meiji government popped up for peace and the revolution ended. I had no idea to do so I just kinda wandered around but I made money by assassination it was bad but I really didn't care the peace loving government couldn't just ruin my fun. 

One day I was in Tokyo and some girl ran up to me with a wooden sword. 

"You must be Battōsai the man-slayer! You know swords have been banned in this time and age!" She yelled and I just rolled my eyes. She seemed to easy to predict it was just sad. But when she said that name my interest peeked due to I still felt like i had a connection to this Battōsai. 

"Sorry lady you got the wrong woman. I'm no Battōsai" I said and she groaned. 

"That's another person I've mistaken the first dude had a reverse-blade sword!" She groaned stomping at the ground and I just sighed.

 "How about I help you find this Battōsai" I said and she gave me a hopeful look and grabbed my hands.

"You really would! Your the best!" She said really happy and I snapped my hand back to me. I didn't like strange people touching me.

"My name is Y/N L/N" I said and she smiled 

"My name is Kamiya Kaoru. The assistant master of the Kamiya Kasshin-ryū dojo near here." She said and I looked at her. Ah I guess she does have some sword skills but what the actual fuck is the Kamiya Kasshin-ryū style!   

We headed to the Dojo she lived in and to teach in and I saw a very familiar red-headed man sitting there doing laundry. 

"Ah the wander is here. He is helping me find the Battōsai as well." She said happily and I just chuckled. 

"So you've became a wander after 15 years." I said and he looked at me and he ws shocked. 

"Miss Y/N." He said stunned 

"So you two know each other?" Kaoru asked and I nodded

"We studied swordsmen ship together when we were kids then he left." I said and he smiled. 

"That we did. She is an excellent swords woman. That she is." He said and I looked at him. He never spoke like that in the past. Then we heard a scream in the distance 

"It must be the Battōsai!" Kaoru said charging out then I saw the cross shaped scar on his left cheek and I realized Kenshin was the real Battōsai. So who was this fake? 

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