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A/N: This story contains mature scenes and strong language. The song above is "Fade to Black" by Metallica.

   I lay in my bed smoking a cigarette with these two dumb bitches I picked up at the bar last night asleep next to me

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   I lay in my bed smoking a cigarette with these two dumb bitches I picked up at the bar last night asleep next to me. The sheet was tossed over my naked body barely covering anything. The blonde on my left rolled over and placed her hand on my thigh. I smirked a little, same shit different night, I thought to myself. The women always wanted me but I never wanted them for more than a night of fucking. These two women would be no different. I pushed the blonde's hand from my thigh which made her roll back over. I saw my phone light up on the nightstand next to the bed. I reached over and grabbed it. When I looked at the number my anger rose a little. What the fuck does Mike want?


I see her smile as she held me close when we danced at prom. My Catherine, we had been seeing each other for a few months at this point. She was my best friend, Mike's, little sister. Mike and I had been inseparable since we were in kindergarten. My family life was never the best, but his mother had become like a second mom to me. I remember one night Mike and I had hidden in the basement for hours waiting to scare Catherine, but instead, we scared his mom. She screamed so loud and then chased us up the stairs. We couldn't stop laughing so she caught us in the living room. I had always seen Catherine as a pain in the butt, little pipsqueak until the day she turned sixteen. It was like over night she blossomed into a beautiful woman, and man did she turn heads. When we started to see each other we decided not to tell Mike. She, being the wonderful person she was, didn't want to come between our friendship. She had told Mike that she had no one to go to prom with so that I was taken her. He bought it and had actually decided to skip the prom himself, so we had the freedom to do what we wanted. It had been a perfect night and the night that she gave herself to me. However, after she graduated we drifted apart. She was going to college and I was working with Mike. It was also becoming hard to keep our relationship from Mike, so we decided to just be friends.

Then three years ago our lives were changed forever. Catherine was in a car accident with her parents on the way to the airport. She was pulled from the car by a man named Trevor Woods, but her parents were not so lucky. They were both killed, and poor Catherine was traumatized. Little did we know that her parent's death was no accident and that we were about to go through hell and back. While Catherine was in the hospital, Mike was approached by a man named Seth. He informed Mike that his father, James Scott, was the leader of a gang in Chicago named The Lions and that with his death Mike was now to be the one who took his place. At first, Mike thought he was crazy, but then the man that saved Catherine, Trevor, confirmed everything. He told Mike that he was James's second in command and that was why he was there and saved Cat.

Over the course of the next few months, Catherine, Mike and I all moved in together and Mike asked me to be his second in command. Catherine and I also started seeing each other again, at first behind Mike's back, but then he caught us. That was an interesting day. Mike and I were about to go at it when Catherine stepped in between us, she always did know how to calm us both down. It was at that moment that I realized how much I loved her. I told her I loved her that day. It turned out that Mike had already thought we were fucking around, but he never knew how serious it was. Then someone had broken into the house while Mike and I were gone. Catherine was attacked by someone when she came home and it was then that we decided to have Seth stay with her for a while.

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